Chapter Thirty

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I dropped Andrew off near one of his houses. I needed time to think. The murders needed to stop and the male chaos in my life was taking away from the things that really mattered.

When I got home I went straight to the bathroom and showered. Once I was certain I was clean, I turned on my tub. I sat down and let the warm water run over me.

My thoughts were full of small tiny little details about the case. Each of the victims were women. Every death was brutal. All the supes didn't seem or weren't talking about what was going on.

Isn't that odd though? Shouldn't there be some whispering within the community if they're being fingered for the deaths?

This thought nagged at me. I knew that I was being jerked around. I just wasn't sure who was doing the jerking.

“That's it!” I shot out of the tub. “I'm tired of the runaround bullshit.”

I stomped soaking wet into my closet. I pulled out a black flowing skirt, red tunic, and my black velvet cloak. This witch was about to get the answers she needed, even if it killed me.

My soft leather boots made no sound as I left my house. The night was dark. I walked to the backyard. Inside a well locked shed, my dark secret witch stuff was hidden. It wasn't that I was ashamed of who I was. No, it wasn't that at all. It was just something private, a part of me that I did not like to share with the world.

Most people think that all the old tales of witches flying on brooms are just old wives' tales, and that it never happened. The truth was that no all witches could take to the night sky. Only certain families were able to do it, and most witches don't even know that it could be done. Tonight I was very thankful to be part of that bloodline.

My trusted broom stood in the corner. It was housed in a well padded box. Crushed purple velvet hugged the wooden treasure, ensuring that nothing would damage my magic broomstick.

I gently pulled it from it safe house. I could feel the magic humming in it. I whispered to it in a language long forgotten, and a soft golden glow covered it's long bristles.

“It's been too long, old friend.” I threw my leg over it, tonight was not the night for side sitting, but for speed.

The cool night air rushed against my skin as I took to the sky. I flew up into the night cloud cover. I knew where I was going. Tonight I would be visiting many of the people that I was worried about. My first stop was the witches, Shadowfire was my prime suspect.

The shop was dark, but the area behind it was blazing with torches. Thirteen witches, men and women, stood in the glow of the flames. The high walls protected them from prying eyes, which was great because they were all naked as the day they were born.

Hmm, this is not a normal Wiccan group. I knew from the feel of the space that dark magic was worked here, and quite often.

I watched as Shadowfire walked forward. He turned to address the group.

“Tonight we continue with the work our Master has set out for us. We will help crush those trying to stop his work. He will rid the Valley of those that are not pure and then it will be the rest of the world. Our world will be purged of those that would not embrace him. His world will be full of magic, darkness, and chaos. Beautiful, sweet, chaos.” He told them.

They cheered him on.

“Our Master wants us to get rid of the witch and her pet vampire. He knows that the male witch can be turned, but those two will pose a threat to our mission. We will bind them and then have our blessed fire consume them. They'll burn for opposing to the Master.” He continued.

Oh, shit.

“Their little agency won't be able to do anything tonight as their best agents die and another murder is committed. The Master has picked out another woman with the cursed blood. Do you know I tried to bring the witch here, her blood holds the strongest curse I have ever felt. It calls out with its goodness.” His lips curled in disgust.

My blood? Maybe it's other strong witch bloodlines that are being destroyed. My thoughts raced as I tried to pay attention to what was happening in front of me.

They were preparing the spell that would kill Andrew and me. I launched myself back into the air. I had to get to Andrew as well as the base.

I could feel the heat of their spell beginning to work. The need to be with Andrew was so strong I almost fell of my broom. I landed in my yard and put away my broom. I had just latched my shed when I felt him near.

“Kat.” His voice was silky and my stomach knot.

“Andrew, we're being spelled. We need to get away from each other and head to the base. Fight it, fight it for me.” I pleaded with him. The thought that both of us would die caused my heart to hurt.


“No. Go. Use your speed, ask Harkins to have you placed in one of the containment chambers in the basement. It should protect you. Go, now!” I shouted the last to him.

He vanished in a blur of movement.

I grabbed my cell and dialed.


“Kat, what's wrong? Something doesn't feel right.”

“Just listen. Andrew is inbound. He needs to be put into containment. I'm headed in too. I need to be placed in containment as well. We are being attacked. They're trying to kill us, John. And I found out something that might help us solve this case. There's going to be another murder tonight, John.” I was running for my car.

“Kat, what are you talking about?” His voice was worried.

“Oh my god!” Pain wrapped around me.


“It hurts so bad! Did Andrew make it?” I puffed out.

“Yes, he was just secured. What's happening?”

“That must be it... I must be getting the whole spell. Oh, shit. John, send a blocker to me. Send it now.” I collapsed in my yard.

“Kat! KAT! Don't worry, help is coming!” He was shouting through the phone that had fallen from my hand.

Well, at least Andrew will be safe from this. I thought as I fought to hold onto myself and the world around me.

Wave after wave of pain rocked against me. My freshly healed ribs re-cracked. Everything felt like it was being crushed and set on fire. The air smelt of burn flesh and hair. If I could have vomited I would have.

“Agent Purrowells?” A voice called out, but my vision was tunneled and I couldn't see anything that wasn't directly in front of me.

“Oh, dear god! Hang on, Kat.” John's voice was near.

The fire stopped, the pain resided and the world faded into a blissful darkness.

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