Chapter Eleven

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The great thing about having helped design the base was that I knew the emergency exits. They place was still under lockdown, but fuck if I cared. I was leaving and they could eat me.

Who in their right mind allows the fucking enemy to help improve security?” I raged as I walked out to my car.

My temper seethed under my skin. My powers crackled like static electricity- waiting for the next sucker to touch me. Oh, how I hoped it would be Andrew. Maybe it would fry his ass.

The roared along with me as I started it.

Agent Black walked up to my car before I had a chance to pull out of the lot.

“Agent Purrowells, wanna go get a drink?” He called out to me.

“Yes. God, yes, get in.” I told him as I reached across the car and popped open the passenger door.

“Don't mind if I do.” He climbed in.

His body seemed to take up all the open space. Even with the top off my Jeep, his presence was there- there was no other way to say it.

“You gonna keep calling me 'Agent Purrowells' now that we are going out for drinks?” I laughed, my mood was all over the place and pulled out of the lot.

“I suppose I can't, Kat.” He smiled, it lit up his face.

“So what's your real first name?” I still had no idea why he had given me a fake first name when I had talked to him on the phone when all this started.

“John. Plain and simple, John. It's like vanilla.” He told me.

“I like it. It would easily blend in, it's a good agent name. Unlike mine.” I shrugged.

“I like your name, Kat. It's unique. And it suits you.” His cheeks flushed a gentle pink.

“You like me, dontcha John?” I couldn't help it.

“Yes, I do.” At least he was man enough to be honest with me, “ And it pissed me off to no end that that undead bloodsucker could date you without it creating any problems.”

“Why didn't you ever tell me?” It was so obvious thinking about the times we had spent together.

“It wasn't right. It goes against our rules. Well, it does if you aren't an undead Master vampire shit that can con our boss into believing he's useless. I wonder if he charmed him?” He continued.

“I've thought that too, but we're supposed to be trained against that shit.” The car turned quickly as I took a turn and John leaned against me, sending shots of electricity into my already overloaded system.

“Should he be tested?” He looked at me in concern.

“Oh, what?... Eh, tested? Are you gonna be the one to suggest it? John, can I ask you a question?” I wanted to look at him, but the road demanded my attention.

“I think you just did, but go ahead.” He chuckled.

“Wow, I think you just said something remotely funny, you're alright, John. Now my question, are you a witch too?” The thought that I had not realized I was working with another witch made me feel like I had been living in a bubble.

“Nah, I'm not a witch...” He said.

“Phew...” I let out a sigh.

“I'm a warlock.” He finished.

“You're what?” The car swerved as I looked over at him.

“Watch the road, Kat!” He exclaimed.

“Did you know that I was a witch?” My world felt a little shifty under my feet so to speak.

“Yeah, Kat. We are paired. Most teams are.” His words were matter of fact.

“Why didn't anybody feel the need to tell me?” I said getting on the 405 headed to Santa Monica.

“I don't know. Maybe Harkins was afraid you wouldn't join? I mean, we knew that you've tried to hide your talents, Kat.” His words struck up the memories of all accidents I had growing up.

“Yeah, I suppose that makes sense.” I grumbled.

“Where are we going?” John asked as we passed the Getty Museum.

“Somewhere for drinks.” I smiled at him.

We fell into silence. I started to wonder if the signs had been there before, and if they were, why hadn't I realized it before. I tried to think about the other teams I had met. I had thought that they were special teams, like werewolves and such.

There were some supes on the payroll, but I had never thought that the agency had gone out and created pairs of supe teams. I could only wonder what else I had been so painfully oblivious to.

We parked on Ocean Avenue and I turned off the car.

“Okay, time to get out.” I told him.

“Okay, Kat.” John got out of my Jeep.

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