Chapter Thirty-Nine

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“Well, what are we going to do now, Andrew?” I felt all the fight come right out of me.

“We are going to rest. I am going to feed again. You will drink from me as well. I think the more of my blood that is in the better it will be for this fight, Kat. Then we will gather our forces and take him out.” He told me.

“Andrew, I don't even know his name. He is just a nameless intern. Some little nobody grub. How do I make everyone understand?” The entire situation felt hopeless.

“Kat, you have to pull yourself back together. You are still alive. They did not succeed in burning the witch. This makes us one step ahead of them. I will get John and Harkins. I want you to get in contact with your doctor agent, what was his name?” His brows pulled together in frustration.

“Konkoers?” I suggested.

“Yes. You can use my house phone. It is not associated with me at all. It is disposable as it were. And completely untraceable. I will have a new one installed tomorrow. But for the rest of this night we are going to rest. Tomorrow we will plan. And then the little bastard will be ours.” He held me in his arms.

“Thank you, Andrew. Thank you for being my rock.” I had never felt like I had needed one before.

“The pleasure is all mine, Kat.” He kissed the top of my head.

Andrew took me to the most lavish guest room I had ever seen. There was a huge four post bed with mosquito netting hanging from them. The sheets were a deep royal purple and satin. Every thing was made of a rich mahogany wood. A chest sat at the foot of the bed, it held several thick, soft blankets- one of which I am positive was made of fur. Two heavy dresser sat on either side of the bathroom door. The carpet was thick and squishy underfoot. A free standing mirror stood by the window.

I didn't recognize myself. Yes, I was the same person- but something had changed. My thick dark brown hair was cropped to my chin. It curled slightly. My green eyes seemed a little sharper than before. My lips seemed to hold a reddish tint to them. The innocence that I had managed to retain was gone. I was no longer the girl that was just going to teach about mythical creatures to other humans. No. My eyes had been opened, and my job had thrown them wide open. I had lost weight too, but it seemed like I had rounded out in others. During this time of chaos, I had grown into a woman.

I touched the mirror. My fingers tracing the cool glass.

“Who are you?” I asked.

The woman just looked back at me, knowing the things that I had once been so sure about.

My dress was ruined. I owned no clothes now. That thought made me thump down on the floor. I had lost everything. The photos of my family that was no longer alive- gone. The few things that I had kept from them- gone. All I had was my witch hut, and my life. At least you're alive. The thought didn't stop the tears from spilling over.

There was a gentle tap at the door.

“Come in.” I sniffled.

“Kat, I know how much you lost. I promise that I will help try and track down some of the things that can be replaced. But I brought you these to sleep in.” He held a pair of folded pajama bottoms and a white tank top.

“Thank you, Andrew. I'm sorry I'm such a mess.” I rubbed my arm across my face.

He stepped up to me and gently wiped away my tears and snot with a handkerchief. He kissed me softly.

“It will be okay. I promise.” He put the clothes in my hands and looked me deep in the eyes.

“I know. It's just a lot. I'll be okay.” I hugged the clothes to my chest, like a shield.

“Shower and rest. Tomorrow will be better.” He kissed me and then gently closed the door.

Part of me wanted him to stay, but I think he understood that I needed to be alone. I had to deal with things that were happening around me. I couldn't hide behind him and what his life offered me.

The shower washed away the smoke and soot from the fire. The bitter taste of it all was beginning to disappear as well. When I got out there was a tray on the bed. It had a sandwich, a small salad, and a cup of tea.

I got dressed and sat cross legged on the bed. The food was good, and the tea soothing. My thoughts circled all the things I had lost in my short life. But I had to push all that away. I needed to focus on what I needed to do to catch this monster.

I picked up the phone and called Agent Konkoers.

“Hello?” His voice was cautious.

“It's me.”

“Thank God. I feared the worst.” He said.

“I know who it is. Is Agent Black and Harkins cleared?” I had to know who we could count on.

“Both are cleared, but Harkins has been called away to the Pentagon. I find it very interesting that it happened right now. My team is clear as well.” He told me.

“Good. I need Black, you and your team to come for a meeting. You will know when and where soon.” I would have Andrew send a minion to them.

“Right. This is the best time. I can feel that things are hanging in a position of transition.” His voice was sure.

“It will get done. Look for a messenger.” I told him.

“I will.” He clicked off.


Yes, Kat?

Can we ask the goblins for use of their portal temporarily for tomorrow at sunset? And can you send a minion to let John and Konkoers where to meet us? Everything had to work out just right and they couldn't be traced.

Yes. I already have permission to use the portal. Boris is sorry about your loss, and hopes that you remain safe. I will send Henry to speak with John and Victoria to Konkoers. The messages will be safe. Now, rest, Kat. I felt him pull away.

He was right, I needed to rest. Tomorrow would come too soon and I was drained from everything that was going on.

I laid down and fell asleep. But my rest was far from peaceful. Nightmares plagued me at every turn. I was grateful when the dreams stopped and everything turned black.

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