Chapter Nine

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The warehouse Base was nothing more than an old warehouse in Los Angeles that everyone thought was abandoned. That was what the outside said anyways.

Inside was a whole different story. It was like a technology sci-fi lab exploded. I had no clue what most of it did, just that the guys in the suits did lots of tests and came up with answers from them. Did I mention that I was the only woman on the team? No. Well, there you have it, I'm the only chick, and it doesn't go unnoticed.

I had dressed for the meeting. I was wearing a black pleated skirt that came to just above my knees, and a deep red button down. My pumps made a satisfying click on the concrete floor as I walked over to the keyboard that would let me into the secure offices.

I slid my keycard and had my retinal scan- something I absolutely despised! Why anyone thought it was a good idea to shine an intensely bright light into your eye, was clearly damaged in some way. Maybe they were kicked by a mule in the head when they were a little kid.

Agent Black was waiting for me. The man took up all the available space in the room. He was a big, burly man originally from the South. When I had first met him, I developed a crush on him. He was handsome. It was possible it was a requirement for those on the streets to be pretty.

“Hey, Big Boy.” My made a cutesy wave in his direction.

“Good evening, Agent Purrowells.” He flushed up his neck.

“Where's the Bossman?” I cocked my hip in his direction, I just loved to watch him get uncomfortable.

“He told me to wait for you before I brought you to his study.” Black said.

“Wanna tell me how much trouble I'm in?”It was silly to try and pretend that I wasn't in for it.

“I don't know anything, Purrowells.” He gruffed at me.

“The hell you don't. You always know what's going on.” I snorted and marched off before him.

“Purrowells, I have a question for you.” Black's voice drifted up to me just before I stepped into the elevator that led further down into the hive of our operations.

“What?” I waited for him to catch up.

“Why do you keep doing things that get you into trouble?” His steel grey eyes were curious.

“It's my nature, Black. Would you ask why a tiger has stripes? I'm just one of those people that goes where others won't.” I shrugged.

“But with a vampire?” He shivered and his eyes looked hurt.

Is it possible that he likes me? The thought bounced through me.

“Yes, I have a date with a vampire. I needed a liaison to a few groups that I was unaware of. I have no other means of getting to them.” I stood with my head held high and stared him straight in the eyes.

“You are a very strange woman.” Black said and backed down.

We stepped into the elevator and headed down.

I got off as soon as the doors opened, I couldn't stand the thought that Black was judging me. I had no idea how to explain to him the link I felt for Andrew. It seemed that he might know about my little romp with him as well. A pout formed on my lips, I was under surveillance again.

The big wooden door stood in front of me. Taunting me like a matador with his red cape. I knew I was supposed to wait and knock and be proper, but my felt very pissed. How dare they watch me again! I had been under their constant watch in the beginning.

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