Chapter Twenty-Three

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“Why do you even put up with him, Kat? You could stake him and I'd tell Harkins he attacked you.” John huffed.

“Oh, cool it, John.” I grumbled.

I felt extremely annoyed with the entire situation. I really like John, I mean I had been working with him since I join P.N.I., but the fact that he was my supposed “match” and the way he acted like an ape puffing up his chest whenever Andrew was around, just bugged me. And then there was Andrew, he was a vampire. Not that I had anything against vamps, it's just he was a suspect and now he was a co-worker. I mean if there were two people you are not supposed to get involved with, that was it!

“Hey, you okay?” John touched my shoulder.

“Yeah.” I shrugged off his hand.

“Right... come on.” He pulled me toward the exit of the site.

“No, I want to get this done.” I needed something to take my mind off of all of my own chaos.

“I don't think that this... mess is gonna show you anything.” He tugged on my hand.

“Look, if it's bothering you, leave.” I pulled myself out of his grip.

I turned so I wouldn't have to see the hurt in his eyes. I needed space and being stuck with him as my detail was not helping. I really had to think. I didn't know what to do with Andrew or John or this horrible case.

My phone buzzed. I had a text message.

You've got a meeting with Jaz. It came from Andrew.

“Great.” I said to myself as I asked for more details.

Tomorrow night. Finish up and go home, Kat.

I tried not to feel more annoyed at being told what to do.

“What's up?” John kept his distance.

“I have a meeting tomorrow night with Jaz, queen of the trolls.” I sighed.

“Well, that's a good thing, right?” His voice was hopeful.

“I've no idead. I don't know what to even say to a freaking troll! I didn't even know that they existed before a few days ago.” A muscle in my neck twitched.

“Kat, you don't really expect that you're gonna know everything, do ya? I mean there are millions of people that don't even know that the paranormal world exists and they live next door.” He snorted.

“Yes, I really do. I studied this shit! I've left out peoples, man. Dude, the anthropologist in me is screaming at me. The witch in me is ashamed. Ugh! You know what, let me know when tech has something useful on this, I'm outta here.” I pulled off my gloves and threw them in the trash on my way out.

I didn't stop or turn when John called my name. I just had to get out there. The world rushed by me as I left Universal far behind me.

The sky was pitch black- apparently even the moon was hiding from me. I headed back to the beach. I knew I wasn't supposed to be on the beach after sunset, but fuck if I cared.

My car glided into a spot. I lucked out because I was right next to the beach. It would have been nice if the moon had been out, but instead it was just dark and lonely like my mood.

I stomped across the sand- like it had done something to me. The water lapped at my toes as I pulled off my shoes. The chill of the water made me think about the attack. I stepped back.

“Ugh!” I shouted out at the night, trying not to be completely disgusted with how things had suddenly become.

“Haven't you ever heard you shouldn't hang out in dark places alone?” A voice full of what can only be described as evil said behind me.

“Yeah, usually before they end up as a pile of ash at my feet, dickhead.” I was not in the mood.

“I doubt that, girlie.” He laughed, it was a harsh sound.

“Go away.”

“Now that is no way to talk to someone thinking about spending some quality time with you.” I could hear him sniff the air.

“Yeah, I don't think so. I'm serious, go the fuck away.” You'd think that a guy would get the hint.

I heard him on the sand. The hair on the back of my neck bristled.

“Did you think I was playing?” I turned quickly around and chucked a small vial of holy water at him- that myth is beautifully true, even if it doesn't really work on Masters.

“Bad move, bitch.” He moved fast but I was expecting it.

I swung out and clipped his cheek with a silver blade I always had on me. I heard the skin sizzle on contact.

“I suggest you go back to your crypt.” I snarled.

“Yeah, right, you are mine.” He hissed at me.

“Can you say 'stereotype'?” I laughed.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He circled me.

“Bad day... I know too much for my own good.” I shrugged.

He faked me out and brought me down hard on the sand. The air rushed out from me and I was certain that I had at least two cracked ribs.

“Get the fuck off, asshole.” I still had my shoes in my hand.

“I told ya, you are mine.” His breath stank of rotting meat.

“No, jerkwad, I told you, go the fuck away.” I clicked the release button on my shoe and the silver stake came shooting out, I held it to his back.

“You wouldn't dare...” His eyes pinched with determination as he tried to get control.

“Yeah, I would,” I pressed the stake in, “you are the second shithead to try and control me to today, fuck that.” The stake went in and a cloud of chunky dust fell over me.

“Well, shit.” I looked at the sand, I knew that there would be a mess to get cleaned up.

I slipped my phone out of my coat, “yeah, this is Agent Purrowells. I need a vamp clean up out on the beach, South of Muscle Beach about four miles.”

I walked up to the lifeguard tower. I had to wait until the crew got there. I'd have to give a statement. I tried not to take deep breaths as I sent a text to the clean up unit to bring a med-tech.

“What a fucking night...”

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