Chapter Sixteen

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“John, it's Kat.” I called him from my cell as soon as I was out of the building.

“What did he say?” I could hear the sounds of the road around him.

“He dismissed my concerns, suggested that they move you to a different task while we are working on this case, and basically that I know nothing.” My anger was rising again.

“Wow. I hope he doesn't take me off the case. I don't want you left alone with that vampire. I don't think it's a good idea, Kat.” His voice was concerned.

“I can handle myself, John. I'm not concerned about that. I'm concerned that Andrew has done something to Harkins.” I huffed, I pushed away the memories of the vampire I had to dust because he had attacked me.

“We can only go so high and even then it's just your word against his. I can promise you that they aren't going to take your side. It just isn't how these things work.” John told me.

“I guess you're right. Looks like we'll just have to watch things ourselves. Catch him in the act and then bring it to the attention of the higher ups.” I felt annoyed.

“Don't worry, Kat, we'll figure it out.” I heard John's blinker clicking in the background.

“Okay, well, I see you tomorrow. I'm just about home.” I was in serious need of some rest.

“Be safe, Kat. If you need me, call.” John told me.

“You got it. Goodnight, John.” I pulled into my drive.

“Night, Kat.” He clicked off.

I walked into my house and set the security alarm. A yawn escaped from me. I was super tired. I walked to my room and crawled into bed.

Sleep took me instantly.

I woke in the middle of the night. My room was frosty. I pulled my cover up to my chin and reached for my gun. The clip was full of silver bullets. There was no reason for my house to be cold. The first reason was that I had climate control, the second- it's Southern California, we don't do cold.

“Look, whoever you are, I know you're there. I can shoot you for being in my house. Or I could just kill you. I am a witch.” My voice was calm, but my heart was racing.

The temperature dropped a little more. My breath came out in cool clouds.

“That's enough.” I called as I slid out of bed.

My body broke out in goosebumps as soon as I had left the warmth of my bed.

“Dude, whoever you are, you suck on a serious level.” I thought about going for my robe, but it would leave me open to whatever was in my house coming up behind me.

I kept my back to the wall.

The cold burned my lungs. It was the kind of cold that broke glass. Will it freeze my lungs? The thought suddenly terrified me.

I felt my body start to go into shock. The world narrowed down to a pin hole. Shit, shit, shit... Darkness took me.

“Kat!” I felt the sting of a slap on my face.

“What the fuck?” I shouted and grabbed the hand coming in for a second round.

“Well, shit, you scared me. I'm glad you are alright.” Andrew's eyes came into focus.

“Andrew? What the hell are you doing in my house?” I tried to figure out what I was doing on the floor and why my gun was laying next to me.

“You were attacked.” His voice was calm.

“Attacked?” I remembered the cold and then nothing.

“I think it was a summon spirit. They are not fond of my kind.” Andrew said matter-of-factly .

“You didn't answer my question.” I went to sit up and felt like I was going to throw up.

“Because I have tasted your blood, I sensed you were in danger. I came to assist.” He told me.

I looked toward my window and I knew that he had taken a very huge risk coming to my rescue.

“Andrew, the sun. It will be up soon. You can explain to me what happened later. Go, before you turn into a crispy critter.” I leaned heavily against the wall.

“We don't actually burn in daylight, it is... very uncomfortable. Besides I don't think that I'd make it to my nearest safe house from here. Can I stay?” There was no guilt in his words.

“Yes, of course. Just pull the blinds and curtains.” I went to get up to help but my butt hit the ground hard.

“Let me do it, Kat. Here, let me put you on the bed at least.” He moved quickly and gently set me down on the bed and then he rushed around my house pulling the house into darkness.

“Andrew, how were you close enough to come to my rescue?' I thought back to what had happened and knew that he must have been in the area.

“I was tracking your scent.” His honesty surprised me.


“I needed to know if Johnathan came home with you.” His eyes briefly glowed red.

“You were tracking me because you were jealous and wanted to know if I had brought him to my house?” I snorted.

“Yes.” His eyes were downcast.

“That is fucking hilarious. Well, I suppose this time, I'll let the jealous thing go since it saved my life.” I collapsed back on my pillows.

“I'm glad that my feelings are humorous to you. Where should I put this?” He held my gun between two fingers like it was an old gym sock.

“It can go in the drawer in the table there for now.” I gestured with my foot.

“Why did you have a gun out?” He sat next to me on the bed.

“I sleep with it under my pillow. I live a dangerous life.” Even shrugging hurt.

“Why? Why do you choose this life?” He looked at me with intrigue.

“Because it's my life, I only get one and I want it to be memorable.” I snorted.

“I don't think I would've chosen this life for myself if I had been given the choice.” He looked off into the distance- remembering a different time and place.

“You didn't choose to be a vampire?” I was curious, not many vampires offered this stuff up.

“No, Kat. I did not choose this life. It was given to me, my maker called it a gift.” His laughter was cold.

“Wow. You've adjusted well to it though.” I smiled weakly.

“Yes, I didn't have a choice. In the world of vampires, the little fish getting eaten- I became a big one instead. You aren't concerned that you were attacked in your home?” He changed the subject.

“Actually, I was thinking about calling work and having someone sent over to test. I need to know what I am dealing with and then I'll have a pretty good idea who sent it.” It wasn't the first time I had been attacked while I slept- thus the gun.

“You are a very strange woman.” I wasn't sure if he meant it as a complement.

Dead to BitesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora