Chapter Fourteen

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Now I'm sure you're thinking that I have some sort of badass power that allows me to constantly have a protective shield, right? Wrong. That shit hurt and the air smelt of burnt hair.

“Kat?” I heard John gasp out.

“Yeah, I'm okay.” I didn't even want to think about what was causing the burnt hair smell.

I got up and inched to where we were. Every ounce of my body hurt. I was convinced that lightning had shot out of the sky and struck us. John had been thrown back further than I.

The sand was still in the air, so I couldn't see very well.

Now there's something you have to understand about Southern California, particularly the Santa Monica area. It rains there, but lightning? Hardly ever, and sure as hell not on a perfectly clear night.

When I found John, he had a very pissed off vampire towering over him. Andrew's hair billowed around him, his eyes burned a vibrant red, and he hissed through his fanged teeth.

“Andrew, what the fuck do you think you're doing?” I screamed at him.

“How dare you touch her!” His voice echoed in the air around us.

John looked at the very angry vampire and spit at him.

“Andrew, John, stop!” I was just about to them.

“You are nothing, Johnathan. You were nothing in that pissant little town you came from. You are nothing at that agency. You've clung to Kat too long, trying to get some of the spotlight that belongs to her.” His voice was icy.

“That is enough!” I sent my power out and froze Andrew just as he was about to strike John.

“Kat, what did you do?” John said in wonder.

“What needed to be done.” I said. “ You, Andrew, have no right doing any of this. You are very lucky that I do not have my stakes with me, or the world would be out one less vampire. John, let me take you back to your car.”

“Are you just going to leave him like that? When the sun comes up, he'll be ash, Kat.” John said with a little concern.

“Dude! He just tried to kill you and you're concerned whether or not the sun turns his ass into cinders?” I asked incredulously.

“It's wrong to just leave anyone in a position where they are defenseless.” He said to me, trying to get me to understand.

“John, you've a twisted sense of honor.” I undid what I had done to Andrew.

“You will pay, mortal.” He said to John.

“Firstly, you do not threaten people, especially since you are now a member of our organization. And secondly, I'm the one that could've left you frozen on the beach awaiting the sun to come and bake your ass, so you better be thankful that he was on your side.” The air crackled around me.

“Kat, let's just go.” John pulled my arm to get me to move away from Andrew- I think he was worried I might hurt the vampire.

“Fine.” I turned away from him

“You will not just walk away from me, Kat.” Andrew was in front of me before I could even blink.

“Yes, she will.” John's hand lit with flames.

Andrew eyed him with contempt. “Do you think that your little fire would make me walk away from her?”

“I don't care if it will or won't, Andrew. I'm telling you to get the fuck out of my way. I don't want to have to explain to the agency why I had to leave their new Master vampire paralyzed on the beach.” My temper was spinning out of control.

“As you wish, Kat. I will see you tomorrow evening.” He said as he seemed to vanish into the cool night air.

“Damn, Kat, just a thought, but I don't think you should threaten a vampire that has a thing for you.” John laughed.

“This coming from the idiot that threatened him with fire.” I snorted.

“Well, I wasn't going to let him bully you into doing anything.” He turned and faced me, his hand gently resting on my cheek.

“Thank you.” I put my hand on his.

“I think it's time for us to head back.” He said.

“I suppose you're right. I'll drive you back to your car. Make sure you're safe, okay? Andrew seems to be having a little moment. I like having you as my partner.” I smiled at him, my stomach felt like it was twisting in knots.

“You got it.” He told me and we headed back to my car.

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