Chapter Ten

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You ever have one of those moments that you wish you could awake up from. You are so certain that your real life could not suck that much, and then you just have to force yourself to continue down that path because it is real life? Yep, that was this moment.

We were dismissed. Black walked off scowling. I marched out of the office and over to the elevator. Unfortunately, the damn thing didn't come before Andrew caught up with me.

“You seem troubled.” His sexy mouth was turned down.

“Troubled... that is an interesting way to put it.” I tried to keep my cool, it was seriously frowned upon when you had a shouting match in the halls.

“I don't understand, Kat. I could tell that there was a problem for you with seeing me. I fixed it.” His brows pulled together in confusion.

“Andrew, you can't just walk into the place I work, shit, the secret place I work and decide that you have to 'work' there too so that I can see you.” I tried to keep my voice calm.

“Perhaps I should have consulted with you first. I'm sorry you're upset.” It was clear that he wasn't used to having to ask someone before he did something.

“Look, I need to go home. I'm tired, it's been one of those days. I'll see ya tomorrow.” I said I stepped onto the elevator, hoping he'd go talk to “James” some more.

“Kat, let me accompany you to your car.” He didn't get the hint.

“Okay, fine, Andrew.” I sighed.

The ride up was silent.

I stepped off the cold steel box first, we were just outside the basic training room.

“How did you get in here anyways?” I turned to look up at him.

“Kat, surely you don't believe that this place is as secret as you want it to be?” He snorted.

“What do you mean?” I was suddenly worried.

“Anyone of power knows about it. We've kept our underlings in line to ensure your walls have not been stormed.” He laughed.

“Andrew, that isn't funny. We need to tell my superior about this, like now.” My blood was starting to pump.

“Why?” Andrew stared at me perplexed.

“If it happened so many would die. Not everyone at this facility is trained to fight. Shit half of them don't even know what they are working on. We already have a murderer out there in the supe community and you're telling me that we have a giant neon flashing 'kick me' sigh on our backs and you want to do nothing?” I stared at him incredulously.

“I believe that you are blowing this a little out of portion.” He flat-lined.

“Excuse me? Maybe it is just the fact that you have your immortality to fall back on, but most of us humans do not.” I was seriously pissed.

“I'm not so different from you, Kat. You don't grow old like normal folks do. As humans do, as you put it. You are as different from them as I am.” His face was smug.

I clinched my fist tight and socked him right in the nose. The bone cracked loudly and he swore. My fist hurt like a mother, but I didn't care it felt good.

I stormed back into the building and pressed a building that sent it into lockdown- essentially locking Andrew on the outside.

“What the hell?” He shouted after me.

“Oops, looks like you'll have to wait out there until this little issue is resolved.” I called out to him.

“Like hell I will.” He rumbled back at me.

I took off at a run. I had to talk to my boss before Andrew could. I didn't want his influence on him. I knew something wasn't right.

Just as the elevator dinged open, out stepped my boss, James Harkins, aka Bossman.

“Kat? Why did the alarm go off?” He didn't looked at all phased.

“Sir, I've just received information that our base has been compromised.” I panted at him.

“Dammit. It's time to break it down and move operations.” He took over instantly.

A cool mist crept up next to him. I had the stake I carried strapped to my back out and I went and stood next to my boss.

Andrew materialized looking quite upset.

“Now that was just childish.” He pouted.

“Andrew, why didn't you tell me that our cover had been blown?” James looked at him with betrayal.

“James, I really didn't see the necessity in making such a fuss. Surely this place is secure?” Humor gleamed in his eyes.

“Yeah, so secure.” I snorted.

“What do you mean, Agent Purrowells?” I was in trouble again.

“I mean, Sir, that Andrew had been locked on the outside of the lockdown. And look how easily he got in.” I cocked a brow at Andrew.

“That is a very good point. Andrew would you be willing to work with members of our security to help protect this location from outside threats?” He turned to Andrew.

My mouth dropped open.

“You've got to be kidding me?” The words came out before I could say anything.

“You're dismissed, Agent Purrowells.” Harkins told me.

“Sir, over half of this staff doesn't even know what is out in the world. And you are allowing, no inviting, a vampire to help 'fix' our security?” The world had gone insane.

“Agent Purrowells, we take assistance when necessary. If Andrew is willing to help, then I am going to take it.” He turned away from me.

My knuckles cracked as I closed them into tight fists. If Andrew thought he was wooing me over with this crap he was sadly mistaken.

The best way to piss off a woman is to take away what she has earned.

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