Chapter Thirty-Six

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It's funny how when you've almost died, waking up just seems pointless. Oh, wait, most people probably count that as a blessing. Well, screw that. My eye cracked open like a monster from a movie. Every part of me hurt, and the spot where I had been hurt throbbed.

“Holy sweet fucking mother of god.” The words poured out of me as I sat up.

“It hurts.” The statement made me want to hit him.

“What the hell do you think?” I growled.

“Would you like me to get one of the healers?” Andrew looked concerned.

“No, can you find out if John is okay? I kinda just left him on the side of an off ramp.” I felt ashamed of myself.

“He's fine. I called while you were sleeping. He was picked up and his car has been moved for evidence.” Andrew walked out of my bedroom and headed toward the kitchen.

I looked at the clock. It blinked a five o'clock at me. Is it morning or night? My sense of time had been destroyed since I had started hanging out around Andrew.

“It is night. You've slept since yesterday.” He called.


He came in holding a tray. “Here, eat.” It was full of waffles and steaming hot chocolate.

“Mmm. How'd you know that I was going to wake up?” The cocoa smelled delicious.

“We're connected, Kat. There is a great deal that I will always know about you now. Eat, I rescheduled the meeting with Boris for tonight.” He sat in the chair near my closet.

“But I know who's responsible. Why do I still need to meet with the goblins?” I sounded like a small child whining about not wanting to visit that crazy old Aunt that had a million cats and smelled of old roses.

“You need to build relations with all of the creatures of our world. The goblins are part of that. Besides, you'd offend them if you just met with the trolls.” He gracefully crossed his arms.

“Ugh!” I bit into a waffle and my mouth filled with warm gooey chocolate, “oh, yum.”

“I'm glad that it pleases you.” He smiled.

“You're age is showing.” I teased him about his language.

“Bite me, Kat. You try living as long as I have and not slip into ways of speech that you have adapted to.” His eyes quickly flash red.

“You should fed before you go and drag me off to see the goblins.” The thought of him attacking a small green creature filled my thoughts.

“Yuck. I would never feed on them. They are green because the blood that flows through their views is in fact green. You will come to discover that they might be a prideful people, but they are quite disgusting.” He sneered.

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