Chapter Twenty-Two

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“Kat, how fresh is the site?” His voice sounded off.

“Fresh. Bossman wanted me there as soon as humanly possible.” I said turning onto the freeway that would take me by the Hollywood Bowl and then onto Universal.

“Pull the car over.” His voice was tight.

“Andrew?” I looked at him and realized he was sweating and shaking.

“Please, Kat.” His words were like he was begging for his life.

“Yeah, of course.” I took the nearest exit and pulled into a little turn off.

“I have to go.” He said as he unclicked his belt.

“You don't want to go to the scene?” I thought he would've wanted to be there instantly.

“I can't. I've not fed in days. I cannot be near a murder scene.” He gluped.

I looked at him and realized that his eyes had a slight red tint mixed in with the purple. He looked like an addict trying to fight a need real bad.

“Andrew, what the hell are you doing hanging out with me when you've not fed?” was how I showed my concern.

“I wouldn't hurt you, Kat. I have to go. I will find you later.” Then he was gone.

“GAH!” I shouted and threw my hands up.

I sure as fuck did not want to go to the scene alone. I picked up my cell and called John.

“Hey, are you going to Citywalk?” I said as he answered.

“I just parked. I'm part of the tech team today.” He sounded a little disappointed.

“Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes. Which part should I be going to? Should I park in the Frankenstein lot or the T-Rex or Raptor or whatever the other lot is?” I asked as I pulled back into traffic.

“The dinosaur one. It happened in the parking structure by where they have the water that shoots out of the ground. Damn lucky a kid didn't find it on their way to the bathroom or anything.” He said.

“That would suck.”

“Hey, I thought you were hanging out with Fangface.” I could hear the snicker in his words.

“Fangface had to go suck some blood.” I said, feeling a little hurt that I had been left to deal with all of this alone- especially since Andrew was supposed to be my partner, John had never abandoned me because he couldn't cope with his issues.

“No shit?” John sounded like he didn't believe me.

“Yeah, he even made me pull over so he could bail.” Annoyance colored my words.

“Shit, Kat. I'm sorry. Want me to find out if I can partner up with you?” I couldn't see him succeeding at it.

“Sure, I've never been on a fresh scene before.” My stomach pitched as I thought about the amount of blood that would probably be.

“I'll see you when you get here.” He hung up.

I turned onto the huge hill that led up to Universal Studios. There were people walking up the hill. It was a weekday and the evening during off season, the tram would not be coming to drag their asses up the hill for them. I thought about all the times I had walked up that hill. I missed the days of my youth.

Although thinking about it, I had the same damn boy problems then too. I shook my head.

“One day it will be easy... one day, Mr. Right will be there and it won't be a Mr. Right-now.” I told myself.

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