Chapter Twenty

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“Mistress, your guests have arrived.” I heard a deep male voice say as we walked up.

“Wonderful. I hear Andrew has a new pet.” A woman squealed.

I gave Andrew death glares.

He mouthed “I'm sorry” before we were ushered in.

“Announcing Master Andrew Cleon Harper and Miss Kat Purrowells.” My name was seriously less dramatic.

“Oh, Andrew, my Andrew, it has been too long. Come...” A beautiful blonde sat perched on a throne, I shit you not.

“I suppose it has been some time, Selena.” He stepped up to her and kissed her cheeks.

“Introduce your friend.” She chided him, her voice was like Ella Fitzgerald.

“Yes, may I have the pleasure of introducing Miss Kat Purrowells, she is an agent for P.N.I.” He reached out his hand and pulled me forward.

“It's a pleasure meeting you, Selena.” I wasn't quite sure how to address her or what gesture to give, I kind of sensed that there was some serious history between the two of them.

“Kat, this is Master vampire, Selena Jamilla Gunter, she is also my maker.” His voice showed just what he thought of his maker- it wasn't much.

“Oh, Kat, come here. I bet that we will become the best of friends. Here sit.” She shooed away those attending her that were sitting next to her.

“Selena, this isn't a social call.” Andrew said.

“So Kat, what made you get involved with such a strange profession?” Selena took both of my hands like we had been the best of friends our entire lives.

“They actually came to me. I was set to become a professor of occult anthropology.” I shrugged.

“Wow. I bet it just seemed so surreal to be dragged into this world.” Her hand shot out and flittered around- I took it to mean her world.

“Actually... I'm a witch. I was born into the paranormal. I've always chosen to hang out with vampires and werewolves over normal people.” I felt like I was baring my soul and that was fine.

“Selena...” Andrew's voice was a warning, I looked at him confused.

“Hush, My little Andrew.” She dismissed him, “ I bet that was an amazing childhood.”

“Not really, my mom didn't like witchcraft.” My head felt like it had been put on the spin cycle.

“I guess with all of that experience you've been in the middle of all the action...”

“Sometimes. Although this case is proving to be difficult.” I confided.

“Why is that?” Her voice was so innocent, I really felt like I could tell her everything in my life and it would be fine.


“That is enough!” Andrew slapped her hands away from mine.

I blinked a few times, seriously confused.

“You dare to go against me?” Her eyes lit up bright red.

“Selena, she is my guest. You will not treat her in such a manner. She's come to you to see if you can provide information, not to be pumped for it.” His purple eyes were bright, but had not switched to red.

“How am I to know if she's to be trusted?” She shouted at him.

“I swear it.” He stared at her hard.

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