Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The steel door behind me banged open. It was John.

“Good morning, Agent Purrowells.” His voice was very crisp.

“Mornin' John.” I ignored his tone.

He held the door for me, but as soon as I was threw he walked off.

Gonna have to deal with that today too. I thought to myself as I hobbled my butt up to the medi-tech area.

“Hey, I'm looking for Agent Konkoers?” I said as soon as I was in the area.

“Over there by the monitors in the back.” A female voice from behind a huge stack of supplies called out.


“Don't mention it.”

The medi-tech area is a strange place. The kind of place that if you are an outsider coming into it, you'd think that it was just a hodgepodge of junk slapped together. Well, maybe not junk, but it definitely does not look like it belongs in the same area- let alone being used together. Monitors were plastered everywhere. Supply carts were rolled into odd places. Several operating tables were just laid out in the open.

Man, I hope that they do not operate on people in the open like that. My stomach rolled at the thought.

“Agent Purrowells.” Agent Konkoers called out to me, I recognized his voice.

“Hi, Agent Konkoers.” I did my best to smile, it was more of a grimace though.

“Let's get you fixed up and back to your bed.” He smiled at me.

“Mmm, bed... that would be nice.” I chuckled.

“This should take about twenty minutes. I know that Brianna did a scan on you, but I'd like to scan you as well. Just to make sure nothing has been missed. It's my standard procedure.” He assured me.

“Okay. Where do you want me?” All I wanted to do was lay down and drift off into dreamland.

He assisted me in climbing up on one of the open operating tables. He pulled a curtain around us. I hadn't even noticed them before.

“Okay, my scan is different from the scan that she performed. I have to have contact with you. It will go quickly and then I can begin to heal any injuries I find.” He instructed me to lay back and get comfortable and then he took my hand and sat in the chair by the table- something else I hadn't noticed.

I closed my eyes. Soon the sounds surrounding me were nothing more than a brief memory. The next thing I knew I was awake and felt so much better.

“Wow, what did you do?” I was shocked.

“Healed you. You are good to go now. I added all injuries found and healed into your file along with any recommendations I could think of.” He told me.

“Anything I need to know about right now?” He didn't sound concerned so I didn't feel it.

“Not anything I can think of. I'll have a copy sent over to you later this afternoon.” He smiled.

“Thanks.” I felt a million times better.

As I was walking out of the medi-tech area, I saw John.

“Agent Black, do you think that you could meet me in our office?” I hadn't been to the office in this base, but I knew we had one.

“Yes, Agent Purrowells. Give me about ten minutes to finish up what I'm currently dealing with,” and with that he walked away.

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