Chapter Seventeen

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It took about an hour for the unit to show up and my house to be turned into a three-ringed circus. Andrew was in my guest room. He said he needed to rest, I think he was just trying to escape from the chaos that had suddenly found its way into my house.

“Agent Purrowells?” John came through the door, his cheeks were flushed.

“I'm here, Agent Black.” It was important to show our solidarity during these kind of things.

“Are you alright?” His hazel eyes searched me.

“Yeah, Andrew saved me.” Saying the words was like a bitter pill.

“The vampire saved you?” He choked the words out.

“Yes, he's also staying in my guestroom.” I thought John might have a heart attack right there.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me outside where we might have some privacy.

“Kat, are you fucking insane?” His whisper was loud.

“Probably.” I said with a straight face.

“This isn't funny. He could kill you. He could've been the one that was trying to kill you! And what was he doing in your area in the first place?” He threw his arms in the air and stomped away only to come right back.

“Um, he was jealous and wanted to see if I had brought you home with me to do naughty things in the bedroom.” I batted my lashes at him.

“Kat, I'm serious.”

“I am too. That is what he said. Well, not exactly like that. I don't take Andrew as a lash batter. But that's just me.” I shrugged.

“Are you on drugs?” He looked flabbergasted.

“No, John. I'm not. I almost died. Andrew saved me. I am allowing him to rest in my guestroom because he could not make it to one of his safe houses before dawn. My house is full of people. I'm not exactly sure what you are so damn worried about. But, frankly, I don't care. I'm cold and very tired.” I walked back into the house.

“Kat...” He called after me.

I sat down on my couch and watched the world move around me. I gave a statement. John sat in my kitchen. I think he was resolved to stay as long as Andrew was in the house.

I wanted to turn on the TV and take my mind off of everything but it wasn't an option- it would screw with their fine-tuned instruments.

“Agent Purrowells?” One of the techies called out to me from my room.

“Coming.” I got up and pulled my robe tighter around me.

John followed me like a shadow.

“Agent Purrowells, we are just about done here. Thank you for being patient with us while we worked.” The boy smiled at me.

Now, I call him a boy because he couldn't have been more than eighteen, but he looked like he was sixteen tops.

“Thank you, Jared. Anything conclusive yet?” I asked.

“Well, actually, there is.” He had a dimple in his left cheek when he smiled.

“I hope that smile is a good thing.” I wanted some good news after my night.

“It was a frost spectral. Now it is my understanding that they can only be summoned into our realm. Specifically by magic users, like yourself, Agent Purrowells.” His words came out in a rush.

“You are quite right, Jared.” John said behind me.

“Jared, do we have an units available to stake out someone?” I had a feeling I knew who had sent me the frost present.

“At the moment, all the surveillance teams are out in the field. I could call one back in with your authorization, Agent Purrowells, but it would take a day or two.” He looked apologetic.

“Don't worry about it. I'll handle this.” I went back out to the living and sat back down.

“Kat?” John came and sat next to me.


“What are you thinking? Because you look like you're about to fly off the handle.” He put his hand on my shoulder but I shrugged it off.

“Oh, I'm gonna alright. I wonder what that creeptastic little fuck, Shadowfire, thought he would accomplish with this? Did he hope it would kill me?” My temper was rising.

“We're all done now, Agent Purrowells. I'll have a report on your desk by this evening as well as one for Harkins.” Jared told me as they headed for the door.

“Thanks, Jared.” I smiled at him and took a deep breath.

John got up and shut the door behind the team.

“Kat?” Andrew glided out into the living room, where one of the guest robes I kept in the closet.

I mentally sighed, I could feel the testosterone in the room building.

“Yeah, Andrew...”

“What are you planning for the local witch?” Andrew sounded like he had a few ideas himself.

“Oh, you know me. It will be calm and peaceful and completely legal.” I looked at each of the men in my living room, my hair rose with the static electricity coming off me.

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