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The train slowed to a stop and everyone grabbing their bags, leaving. Yu shook (Y/n) and in result she sat up, rubbing her eyes. "Hm?" He chuckled. "Come on it's time to get off." She stood and grabbed her bag. Kanda took it from her and grabbed his. "Hey... I could have got it." He smirked and pecked her lips. "Too bad. I have it." She pouted and walked out, followed by him. They walked on a path chatting a bit before making into town. "So inn first then food alright?" Kanda said. (Y/n) nodded and walked to an inn. There was literally no one outside, it was so silent and run down. It looked like a ghost town. (Y/n) moved closer to Kanda. "Are you sure this is the right place..?" He looked around and dropped the bags and grabbed Mugen, seeing a level 2 akuma. "Finally more victims!" (Y/n) grabbed her scythe. More akuma showed up and Kanda easily killed some. (Y/n) killed some but something wasn't right. She was already exhausted and she didn't know why. More showed up and she called out an ability but it didn't work. 'Wh-what?!' They shot at her  "(Y/n)!!" Kanda grabbed her and ran down an ally. "What the hell Chibi?!" He yelled. "I-I don't know... Something's wrong with me..." He looked around. "You need hide. I'm not going to have you hurt." She teared up and nodded. Kanda quickly ran off to fight the akuma. (Y/n) ran off and searched for a place to hide but more Akuma blocked her path luckly they were level 1. "I have to fight." She mumbled and killed them all. She landed and leaned against the wall completely out of breath. "W-what the hell is wrong with me..." She whispered. Another showed up but t was a  level 3, her eyes widen and backed up, stumbling onto the ground. "N-no... I can't die." The akuma stepped closer. "First Illusions: Hell's insects!" The insects surrounded it and Kanda stood in front her. "Dammit... We need to get out of of here..." He charged the akuma. "(Y/n)! Take cover!!"She ran around a corner and curled up, tearing up. "I'm so useless right now..." The fighting stopped and she heard rapid footsteps coming towards her. "Chibi?!" Kanda saw her crying and kneeled in front of her. "What's wrong? Are you hurt?" He looked for wounds but she shook her head. "I can't do anything... what's wrong with me." He sighed and picked her up. "I don't know Chibi.. but we'll figure it out... they'll have to send Moyashi."  She hugged his neck and nodded knowing she can't change his mind. "Keep your head down alright?" He ran out of town trying to avoid the akuma. He stopped running when he was half way down the path and walked the rest of the way. "I'm sorry Yu..." He looked around. "Che. Don't apologize.. you didn't know it would happen." She sniffled and nuzzled his chest. "Okay..." He held her close. They got on the next train both pondering what could be wrong.

As promised the second chapter! I actually for a moment didn't think I would get it done but I did. Any guesses of what may be wrong? Though I probably made it obvious. I'm not very good at surprises ;-;. Ooohhh well.

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