Here we are

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(twins would be around 20)

It's been ten years since Kanda and (Y/n) left the order and the group would never admit it but it wasn't easy getting used to it. They knew though why they did it and were happy for them.

The small group sat in the lounge and ate their food until Kumoi walked into the cafeteria. Allen and Lenalee I need you two to go here. There's possible reports of innocence and I need you two to check it out. The couple nodded and finish their food. "We'll get going."

They went to the train station and after a couple hours they made it to their destination. It was a small town, maybe with a population of 200 people. "Let's check into the town and ask-" A scream ripped through the quiet town and they ran in that direction. An AKuma was chasing a young women, it fired it's weapon and dust surrounded where the women was. Allen was about to kill the demon but blue spikes pierced it's body and it was destroyed. The dust cleared and  the women was fine,  a young man with (h/c) and dark blue eyes helped her up. The blue spikes turned to wings then they went into the man's body. Lenalee's eyes widen and smiled. "Mana?! 

Mana turned around and smiled. "Aunty? Uncle?" He hugged them both. 

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