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(A/n: sooo recently I found out I've been spelling Mana's name wrong.. if you see any mistakes. don't hesitate to tell me. I would love to hear your feedback also Finally A CHAPTER )
Kumoi started at the twins then looked at the two parents. "So (Y/n) was hit but Mona here healed her?" Kanda glared. "Che, how many times do we have to explain this?"  Kumoi picked up Mona genlty and looked at him. He turned him over and saw innocence implanted in his back. "Surely you two saw this?" Kanda and (Y/n) looked at Mana's back and shook their heads. (Y/n) picked up Alma and turned her over, seeing innocence implanted in her back as well. "These weren't here before..." Kumoi smirked his famous creepy experiment smirk. Kanda took Mana from Kumoi. "I will slice you up." Kumoi put his hands up in defense. "I just want to see what else they can do!"  (Y/n) handed Alma to Kanda gently and grabbed Kumoi by the collar of his shirt, whispering angrily so she didn't scare the twins. "If you even look at them wrong. I will make you wish Kanda had gotten a hold of you do you understand me?" Kumoi nodded frantically and hid behind his desk as soon as she let go of him. "B-but I think it's best they stay here until we figure out their abilities." Kanda started to walk out silently. "Then we will keep an eye on them."He didn't trust  Kumoi not to try to pull one of his experiments on them. The parents walked away with Kumoi pouting. 

Kanda set the twins in their play pen and looked at (Y/n). "Come here." She walked closer to him and he hugged her tightly, gripping the back of her shirt in his hand. "I almost lost you.." (Y/n) rubbed his back, she made him look at her and smiled softly. "Yu, I'm fine." She made him look at her and kissed his nose. The twins cooed and laughed at their parents. (Y/n) smiled. Then picked them up. "I'm so happy you're okay." The babies laughed.

Yu Kanda's Tenshi (Yu Kanda X Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن