A Day Out

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Kanda dressed both of the twins and watched as his wife got dressed. "Why do we have to go out? It's fine here." (Y/n) looks at him as she slide her jacket on. "I just wanted to take them to the park but I can take them by myself." Kanda shook his head and slid his coat on. "Iê. I'm going with you." He set the twins in their stroller. "Are you going to push the stroller or do you want me to?" She asked him. "I will. Just open the door,Chibi." She nodded and opened the door and pushed the stroller out. The twins squealed and laughed as they were pushed down the hall. Some of the finders stopped and watched the family walk by. Some also whispered. "Kanda seems so different."
"He's happy."
"No. Maybe."
"He's changed.. he's not as angry." Kanda shot a glare at them, the group  froze the moment he glared at them and ran away, yelling. "He heard us!!" (Y/n) laughed and patted his shoulder. "They weren't being mean. Now come on." Kanda shrugged. "They're irritating." (Y/n) laughed and shook her head.

(Y/n) walked along the path next to Kanda, the twins watched the world curiously, cooing at all the birds and butterflies. "See isn't it calming." Kanda just grunted in response. The twins began to cry loudly. "Oh what's wrong?" (Y/n) spoke gently but they continued crying. Kanda's eyes grew wide as he saw akuma circle around them. "Chibi! Get down!" She gasped and grabbed the twins running to find cover. Kanda glared and unsheathed Mugen, he charged the akuma, bullets rushing past him. His sword sliced through each akuma. "Che. Chibi!" He searched for his wife finding her in an alley. She looked at him holding the twins close. "Are you okay?" She shook her head, black pentagrams appearing on her body. "You were hit..? Iê you can't die!" Kanda teared up then something strange happened Mona grabbed his mother's hand. A light shined around their hands the virus went away. The parents looked at Mona in shock, their eyes wide they looked at each other. "He... He just cured me.." Kanda nodded and hugged her tightly. "You're okay.. you're okay.." She nodded. "Let's get out of here... we have to talk to Kumoi." Kanda stood and helped her up. (Y/n) looked for any wounds on the twins, sighing in relief when she didn't see any. "They're not hurt... Good." Kanda looked at the twins and took Mona. The two walked back to the black order, wondering how Mona could have healed her.

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