serious talk(not an update)

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Okay so with all this Covid-19 going on, please remember to take care of yourself and not just physically, mentally too. For people who self quarantine I know it can be stressful and for the ones who can't because of their job or financially it's stressful too. 

Remember to wash your hands but find something you like to do inside and do something nice for yourself. And I know many of my readers are younger and idk   maybe a few are in college (idk how to check my stats if someone knows please tell me) but please remember to study and take care of yourselves, I understand that it's frustrating being stuck inside and not being able to do things because everything is closed.

I'm working on a new chapter but I work in home healthcare so that's why it takes longer for me to get chapters out. So I'll see you guys soon. Enjoy a picture of my grumpy hedgie; Bella.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2020 ⏰

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