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(update below)

(Y/n) laid on her and Kanda's bed, rubbing her swollen stomach, she was currently nine months pregnant and ready to have the baby. She couldn't really do anything because her stomach was to big or Kanda and anyone else wouldn't let her. The baby kicked hard causing (Y/n) to groan. "I get it... Daddy will be here soon.." As if on cue Kanda walked in with her (f/f) (favorite food). "Hurry up... the baby's hungry.." He set it down next to her. "Sure. I'm pretty sure you're the one who's hungry." She scooted close to him and leaned on him. "Maybe it's both." He chuckled and handed her the food and laid back. "I'm so tired." She arched her brow, taking a bite of her food. "You're tired? How?" He shrugged and laid his head on her lap. "You brother decided to fucking threaten me. So we got in a fight the baka usagi took my Mugen." She put her hand over her mouth and laughed. "You two..why can't you get-" She groaned and bent over, holding her stomach. Kanda immediately sat up and looked at her. "What's wrong?" His voice laced with concern. (Y/n) shook her head. "Nothing. I'm okay." She groaned again and gripped his forearm tightly. "Fuck." He picked her up and rushed her to the infirmary. Lenalee saw them and followed after them.

Kanda walked in and the head nurse looked at them, she immediately stood up. "Lay her down. Now." He did as he was told and let her do her work. "Is she okay? Is the baby okay?" The nurse nodded. "Her water broke. The babies coming." He stood there is shock not knowing what to do. "Kanda come and hold her hand." He rushed over and (Y/n) grabbed his hand tightly. He hated hearing her screams but at the same time he was excited to see his child.

~time skip brought to you by super awkward author-chan~
Kanda looked at (y/n), shocked but happy as she held  pink and blue bundles, (h/c) tuff of hair sticking out from the blankets. "Well what are we going to name?" They were a asleep so he whispered quietly as to not wake them up. She smiled softly and tiredly. "I was thinking Alma and Mana..." His eyes widen and smiled. "Yeah." He carefully took them from her arms and held them close. The sight of Kanda holding the twins almost brought (Y/n) to tears. He was so memorized by them. The twins looked up at him with wide, curious dark blue eyes. "Welcome to the world Alma and  Mana." He whispered softly. "They are so..." He looked over at (Y/n) and saw her asleep. Carefully he laid the twins down in those crib (right?) the hospital provides and covered (Y/n), kissing her forehead. "Goodnight watashi no ai." 


(A/N so i could not make up my mind whether or not to have a boy or a girl so yeah twins. Im sorry if it's not good. )

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