Chapter 3 - Chaeyoung to the Rescue, Once Again!

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I have some great news, but I know you went to sleep early because you have work early tomorrow so I'm not gonna bother you now! I'll call you tomorrow as soon as you get off work! Love you, babe! - Lisa wrote to her girlfriend right after her phone call with Chaeyoung. Soon afterwards she went back to her studying, full of energy and ready to ace the test.

Tomorrow is a big day. Lisa mused while she was reading.


Okay... This is easy... I know this... I studied THIS. I definitely REMEMBER this.... Hey, isn't that from that one chapter about the thing from the other thing... Okay, I just have to concentrate and do one question at a time.

Lisa was skimming through the whole exam before she started to write anything. She went through all the pages of the exam, looking for any question that might seem like something she hadn't studied, but in the end she concluded that everything was more or less fine.

Let's do this, y'all! She exclaimed in her mind with a Southern American accent, making herself internally giggle.

After about an hour, she finished the exam with time to spare. She handed in her exam and went out of the classroom, but before that she asked her professor:

"Do you know when we will have our results?"

"Oh, probably this afternoon."

"Yeah, that quick?" Lisa whispered, so she wouldn't bother the rest of the people who were still writing the exam.

"Yeaaaahh! There's like 12 of you. I mean, I will have to have a double shot of espresso, but I think I will manage." The professor responded, slightly chuckling at the end of that sentence.

Lisa smiled, thanked him and went out of the classroom. She called Chaeyoung to arrange for them to meet at a coffee shop so they could discuss about the concert and so that Lisa could get her plane ticket. Chaeyoung wasn't answering, so Lisa figured out that she was probably doing something. Usually Lisa texts people because she knows that people are busy, but Chaeyoung has told her that she prefers when someone calls her since sometimes she forgets to look at her text messages.

Lisa decided that she will go around town and do a little photography before she meets up with Chaeyoung. It was still 10 in the morning, the city was already buzzing with people, but she wanted to explore. She has explored Bangkok quite a few times, but she was always ready to find another street corner she hasn't photographed from 10 different angles.

Her phone vibrated, and she saw that Jisoo texted her back.

Hey! I read your text this morning but I was in a hurry so I couldn't respond. - Lisa smiled at that part of the text. That morning she saw that Jisoo had read her text but didn't respond, and she was now happy that it was just a busy morning for her. She continued reading:

Anyway, I have a 10 minute break now, so you can call me if you want. - Lisa picked up her phone and dialed Jisoo's number.

"Heeey babe! I miss you!" Lisa said with a higher pitch than usual, chuckling at the end.

"Heey, what's up?" Jisoo smiled. "What's the big news?"

"Oh, so, you know how I said I was going to go to Korea if I pass my exam?"

"Yeah?" Jisoo asked sort of confused.

"Yeah, well, I changed my mind!"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, yesterday, I figured, if I want to get the ticket, I would have to buy it on time. And since I've already bought the ticket, I thought - why stop there?"

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