Chapter 73 - What Chaeyoung Did While Lisa Was Away

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When Chaeyoung and Lisa departed in front of Lisa's hotel just before Lisa headed towards the arena, Chaeyoung decided it was the right time to go home and relax.

I mean, last night was incredible! I hope Lisa had a great time for her birthday bash and I hope she'll have a great evening tonight at Jennie's concert... She does deserve the world, the way she has been fighting to overcome everything... I hope she and Jennie will have a great time together, no matter how long it lasts....

She stopped in front of a grocery store to buy food for the rest of the afternoon and the evening that was ahead of her. Ah... Today's Saturday.... A great day to spend at home after the party we had last night... That karaoke bar really took it out of me haha... It was fun though, to sing in front of all those people... I don't remember much of it, but I do remember that feeling of being on stage...

When Chaeyoung bought everything she needed, she headed out to her apartment. She decided to go for a walk since it was a lovely afternoon and she wanted to get some fresh air. What am I gonna do when I get home? Oh, I guess I could go back to reading... Maybe some music or a movie later... Yeah, just me relaxing... This afternoon will be great!

When Chaeyoung got home, she went to make herself a bubble bath first so that she could relax even more. I'll bring my book so that I have something to do hehe.

She was now lying in her bathtub, enjoying the warm water and bubbles while reading her book and listening to music that was coming from her phone. She was enjoying the warmth of the bathtub and the book, and she was also occasionally humming along to a certain song that would come up.

This song, ugh, it's so great... Such a catchy beat and the way they sing the chorus... Here it goes again!

Chaeyoung was now singing along to Exo's Lucky One while getting out of the bathtub and wrapping a towel around her body.

Their voices are so great, especially at this last bit here... Oh, let me see who sings this last part here, the voice is so powerful and fitting for this part.

Chaeyoung then looked up the order in which everyone sang that song.

Oh, it's Lay... Yeah, this part sounds really great when he sings it. Good for him! I bet his promotions in China are doing well now.

She mused as she went to the internet to find out more.

Oh, he'll be performing with the other members of Exo on their next album? Wow, that's a nice thing to hear! Chaeyoung mused as she read the news about Exo.

The rest of the afternoon was reserved for her book since she couldn't put it down anymore. Evening came and that's when Chaeyoung decided to turn on the TV as she was making diner. She turned it up so that she could listen to some music as she was preparing her food.

She would then casually dance and sing whenever a song she knew would come up on the channel. After a while, a commercial break came in. At first, Chaeyoung was ignoring it, but soon she realized what it was about.

She came in from the kitchen to the living room to listen to the commercial more carefully. It was about the auditions Lisa had mentioned to her before.

Oh wow... So people of any age can apply... And you have to be at least skilled in dancing, singing or rapping...Hmm... I mean, I am going to win the bet between me and Lisa so there's no need for me to apply... But still.. Hmmm... This does sound interesting.... I guess I could apply, at least to see how it is... Hahaha, when they ask me what my specialty, I'll say something along the lines of "shipping people and keeping everything together". Chaeyoung internally chuckled as she listened to the commercial.

The Star and The Fangirl - A JenLisa fanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang