Chapter 81 - Ups and Downs

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Days and weeks would pass by and Jennie and Lisa would text each other whenever Jennie's schedule would allow it. They both missed each other, but Lisa was patient in this whole situation because she knew that Jennie's lifestyle was extremely busy and she knew that she couldn't reply instantly or on the same day for that matter. Jennie was patient as well, knowing that even though June was far away, her getting to know Lisa more was worth the wait.

Their texting was always followed with Jennie's string of heart and kiss emojis, aligned with her usual number of cat GIFs that Lisa found endearing and which she reciprocated.

Lisa's life was nothing less busy than Jennie's - she fully concentrated on her work with her photography, on her dancing and of course, on her Master's thesis. Her writing was going well so far and the research she had done was more than enough to cover her for the rest of the thesis. Her professor was satisfied with the way she dealt with her work.

Lisa also started to look online for jobs in Seoul. She knew she had to get ahead in order to be prepared for a life there.

Oh... These photography agencies all sound good but they really require a lot of years of professional experience... And I'm not sure if me working for this agency would count... I guess I could find something else... Or I could really ask Jennie about that job she offered to me to be her professional photographer... That... That would actually be a great idea as well. Lisa mused.

I think... I'm really ready to move to Seoul. She smiled upon that realization. When I finish college, that is. She smiled.

The photography agency Lisa was working for was giving Lisa more and more events for her to cover, especially more highly publicized events or celebrity showings in Bangkok. She was satisfied with her work and the pay she had received.

When it came to Lisa's dancing, her instructors soon suggested her to move to an intermediate class because they really weren't sure why she should be there with them anymore, given that her talent was really shining. This time, Lisa was finally ready and she thanked them for their continuous support as she went to the intermediate class to learn more about dancing.

These people here don't mess around... This intermediate class really is a step up from my previous group - She would think that most of the time that she was there. But she definitely enjoyed her stay and was glad her dancing evolved one step at a time.

On one particular day, a new set of people came into the intermediate group. They were also included there after they were good enough in the group for beginners. That's when Lisa saw her again. Jisoo had joined the intermediate group as well.

They didn't interact at first, even though they were fully aware of each other's presence. They just didn't want to make things awkward between themselves or between anyone else in the group. They would say "hi" and "bye" to each other before and after training sessions and that was it.

Lisa came to terms that Jisoo would be there and she was okay with that - no extra interactions, no pushing each other to meet each other. Just seeing each other and being polite, that was okay.

It was a rainy evening when Lisa and Chaeyoung finally videocalled each other. They promised to each other they would do that more often, but they understood that their lives can really be full of busy events.

"Hey Lisaaa! Oh wow, do you like trashy tonight!" Chaeyoung joked.

"Hey you! Yeah, I'm tired, I didn't even get to take a shower, that's how tired I am... But I did want to see you!" Lisa replied with a huge smile on her face.

"So sweet! It's always nice to see you as well hehe! How are things? I know your life is busy now as well." Chaeyoung noted.

"Oh... Well, you said it, it's definitely busy! The Master's thesis is going along well, my professor's really satisfied with it so far, and so am I!"

The Star and The Fangirl - A JenLisa fanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang