Chapter 52 - Two Detectives Kissing

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"No way! My idea?" Chaeyoung asked surprised.

"Well, yeah, technically it is, you put it in my head!" Lisa defended.

"Aw Lis, thank you for saying that! And I really love the title - it's serious, it encompasses everything you want to write... and it gives this captain just more material." Chaeyoung chuckled at that last part and Lisa joined in. She then added enthusiastically: "I know it's going to be great because I do believe that this is something you are going to investigate heavily before writing so... I'm all for it, definitely!"

"I think so too and I'm definitely all for it as well! Oh, and today, I started with my first dance lesson!"

"Oh, really? How did that go?"

"Great! It's a beginner's class so we went from the beginning... And the instructors, they are willing to teach me the DDU-DU DDU-DU choreography properly!" Lisa spoke excitedly.

"Really? After the first lesson? Oh wow, that sounds so great!" Chaeyoung was filled with pride.

"Yup. They wondered why I was in the beginner's class."

"Covering your bases?"

"Exactly! Thank you!"

"Hehe" Chaeyoung winked at Lisa.

"And as soon as I mentioned Jennie, they started to dance the choreography and I mean... yeah, I think I'm going to get there real soon. At least I hope!"

"I know you will! Jennie's eyes won't believe what they will be seeing! She'll think a clone of hers with bangs is dancing in front of her." Chaeyoung smiled proudly once again.

"Aw, thanks Chaengie, that means a lot!" Lisa responded with a smile as well.

The two went on to discuss other different topics, and when they got tired, they went to sleep.

The next day Lisa spent at home mostly working on how to start writing for her Master's thesis, but nothing concrete ever came to mind, so she just decided to go for a walk to change her scenery a bit. She also took her camera as well.

Well, might as well listen to some music and photograph while I do this... So why not? She mused as she got out of her apartment.

She walked through her neighborhood while listening to Jennie's songs.

Listening to her songs while taking photographs... I mean, I'm not saying that THAT makes the photographs better, but it has definitely given me the will to explore things in bigger depth than usual... Hmmm.. Exploration... Yes, that could be useful in my thesis. I could say that her music and the use of wide-range media inspires people to do more and to ask more. Oh, I should definitely find some statistics and correlations about this... And I should definitely include some sort of questionnaire in this thesis - and then ask more people who listen to k-pop and specifically Jennie Kim how the music influenced their lives.

Lisa then stopped in her tracks and smiled.

Wow... She really is influencing me as well... Like, making me think harder. Freaking Jennie Kim, you've done it again.

Blood rose to Lisa's cheeks as she thought about her.

Who knows what she's doing now? I bet she's working hard on her preparations for the tour. The tour is starting soon, so yeah, she's probably doing that... I could send her like a text message to see how she's doing... Just like a small, tiny, irrelevant text message... I don't want to bother her too much... Just want to send a friendly "hello" and show my support... Yup, that's what I'll do.

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