Chapter 55 - Lisa Taking the Hit

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Lisa stood in the hallway thinking about what she just saw. That was Jisoo, that couldn't have been anyone else, I clearly saw her.

The door of the room she was just in were now closed and she couldn't see anyone inside. I should probably go home now. The two of us don't have much to talk about actually and... Well, she is in another group, so that won't be bothering me because I won't see her. I mean, I will, but only for a quick moment when I exit the room. Yeah, and I can live with that.

Lisa went home to relax and to not think about Jisoo anymore but it was gnawing at her brain once again. But what is she doing there? She never mentioned dancing... I mean, she was a good dancer back when we dated, but she never mentioned like taking dance lessons... I wonder if that was her own idea or if Jessica mentioned it. Ugh. Lisa shuddered at the thought of Jisoo's colleagues and went to the internet to enjoy her time.

Oh yeah, relaxing at the end of the day, now that's my jam.

Her phone buzzed after a while. It was Jennie. This made Lisa smile. Oh wait, she also commented something on my Instagram, let's check that out first. Okay... Let's open Instagram up. Yeah, there we go, there's the notification, let's read it. Oh wow! She's a gamer too? No way! No way! I thought I couldn't find more reasons to like her but.... OH wow! Lisa was squealing internally from all the happiness she was feeling at the moment.

Come on, Jennie, do or say something that won't make me fall for you more. Anything, please! She thought to herself. Oh who am I kidding? I'm in too deep now anyway... Tread lightly, Lisa, tread lightly.

Lisa then went on to answer Jennie's message. After she was done with that, she thought to herself - She's really interested in my dance progress. Interesting. Hmmm... Oh Lisa, stop it! She's just being friendly again. You and your delusions!

But when Jennie replied, Lisa was left puzzled once again. She can't wait to see me dance? Okay, now I'm nervous! Now I have to perfect the choreography and really nail it. Okay... But, this has to stop. I really have to find out whether she's seeing someone or not. Should I just be honest and ask: "Hey, are you seeing someone?" No. That's too direct. And it's her private life. Plus, I've listened to the radio show so I can't tell that I don't know about her situation... Okay.... I'll just respond to this text with something cute before something better comes to mind.

As soon as Lisa responded to Jennie, she started to think about a plan on how to find out if Jennie is actually seeing someone or not. However, she was stopped in her musings when her phone buzzed once again.

Huh, my last message didn't warrant another reply. Maybe she sent some cute emoji- oh my Jisoos, it's Jisoo! Lisa nearly dropped her phone when she saw Jisoo's name.

She quickly threw the phone on her bed and again felt a nauseating pain in her gut.

Okay, this is not healthy, I have to stand up for myself. Let's see what she wrote. This better be-

And then Lisa read the message.

I saw you today. We should talk tomorrow, if that's okay :)

Lisa froze once again because she didn't know how to respond to that. Okay, let's think about this for a second. This is not the first time she wanted to meet up with me. When it was her birthday, she wanted to meet up as well. So... She's still insisting on this. But during these couple of months she wasn't asking me about it. She didn't contact me at all. Which means, her meeting me is important to her, but not too important. And I'm guessing she won't back down. But, no, wait... She hurt me. I was in a bad place. I'm obviously still haunted and I still feel the pain when she's around. I will politely decline and that will be that.

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