Chapter 35 - Falling

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The 9th of February came sooner than Lisa thought it would due to the fact that she dedicated her time to passing all the exams with flying colors. I really am glad I worked hard for this, soon it will all pay off! She thought.

She texted Jennie on the 8th to remind her that she would be coming on the 9th and that she would be flying back on the 12th in the evening. I just hope we both manage to find the time to see each other. The two of us. And Chaeyoung of course... But Chaeyoung did say she would be busy a lot these days, except for Sunday soooo... Maybe it really will be just the two of us, Jennie and I, hanging around... Okay, why is my heart racing at the thought of that? Chill Lisa, it's just going to be a friendly gathering, none of your make-believe fantasies.. ugh! She mused.

Jennie soon responded:

Hey Lisa! No, I haven't forgotten about you coming to Korea! :D I'm actually surprised you haven't texted earlier :) Anyway, these days I will be doing a lot regarding music and promotion, but if you can, we can definitely see each other on the 12th. I know it will probably be brief, and I'm really sorry about that :( But my schedule wouldn't allow me more this time.

Lisa was surprised: She's apologizing? What for? Oh my, she's so adorable and precious... I mean, she really didn't have to and she still wants to find the time to hang out with me.I can't...Aaaa... Now I just want to hug her! She then responded:

You're too kind, you really don't have to apologize :))) I totally understand! And I really would love to hang out on the 12th, at least for a coffee and bagels :) And I've only texted now because I didn't want to bother you... Stupid, I know, but, I know you're busy :)

Jennie looked at Lisa's messages and started to think: This girl... So sweet, so considerate. And she's so caring for her friend, I mean, coming all this way to Korea for her birthday... I really wanted to show her a good time... It's too bad we won't have too much time. Maybe when she comes for the second time I'll think of something better. She then responded:

You could never bother me ;) Bagels sound great :* Talk to you soon <3

This was of course followed by a cat sticker with one cat blowing a kiss to the other. Lisa thought that she would be able to control her reactions at this point when it came to Jennie's messages, and for the most part, she actually did. But this one really gave her some questions. I mean... Okay, the "talk to you soon" part with the heart, yeah... Friendly. The "bagels" part with the kiss emoji, sure... But come on.... "You could never bother me" followed by a winky emoji... I guess you could interpret that as being friendly... But the wink... ugh, that cheeky wink... Jennie... Why are you testing me?

She then paused and continued to think - No, Lisa, it's just in your head. She's not doing anything, you are just imagining things the way you wanted them to be! Calm down.

She videocalled Chaeyoung one more time before she went to bed. They discussed how Chaeyoung was going to pick up Lisa tomorrow and how they were going to hang out later that day and evening. After that, Lisa went to sleep to get some rest before the flight.

Lisa's flight to Korea was non-eventful; she arrived on the 9th somewhere around 6pm as Chaeyoung picked her up from the airport.

"Garbage!" They yelled at each other when they saw each other.

"Oh, I missed you!" they both said at the same time and chuckled.

"Oh, first thing's first-" Chaeyoung started to speak but Lisa interrupted her:

"...You need to go to take a shower?" Lisa chuckled.

"Oh you!" Chaeyoung acted as if she was offended. "But yeah actually, just got off from work so... we'll be going to my place to get ready, eat and then go out and partay!"

The Star and The Fangirl - A JenLisa fanficWhere stories live. Discover now