Chapter 48 - Nayeon Learns About Dowoon

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"And?" Nayeon was eagerly waiting for Jennie to continue. "Tell me something about him, or else I can't help you with your confusing situation." Nayeon chuckled.

"We met at an award show."

"Wait, is he also a fan?"

"No... I mean, he is, but he's also in a band."

"No way! How cool is that?"

"It is... His name is Dowoon."

"As in, Day6 Dowoon?" Nayeon was surprised.

"Yes." Jennie admitted shyly with a smile.

"Oh... Jennie, getting the drummer, I see, niiice!" Nayeon emphasized that last word which made Jennie chuckle.

"Oh you! Anyway... We've been seeing each other for a while and... Well, not exclusively."

"Wait... so just..." Nayeon implied.

"Yeah... I mean, it's not only physical... But... We haven't... Ugh, see, this is why it's confusing."

"It's okay, start from the beginning, begin from the start."

"Huh... Okay. Yes, we got intimate a couple of times. But we also hung out casually a couple of times as well... Like, going out for coffee and whatnot. But we never really talked about what we're in.... We never really said "this is a relationship, we are monogamous, this is it". And I guess it didn't bother us... I don't know... But this morning, I've found out that he was seeing other girls as well... I mean, again, he can do that since we've never really discussed the nature of our relationship obviously..."

"Okay... So...?" Nayeon was confused.

"Oh, right... Well, after I've found out about the other girls, he told me that, if I wanted to, we could work on our relationship and actually focus on each other exclusively. He said that he liked me and that he would love to try and do all of that."

"Okay.... And? And what did you say?" Nayeon was wondering.

"Well, actually... I told him that I don't know. Because I really don't. I mean, it didn't hurt me that he saw other girls, but it was very confusing to find out that he was, you know what I mean?"

"No, but continue." Nayeon replied with a smile and Jennie chuckled.

"Oh right, because of your busy schedule, I'm sorry."

"It's fine, whenever Mi... I mean, nothing." Nayeon chuckled nervously.

"Okay..." Jennie let that one slide. "Anyway, it was very confusing. And... I guess I like him... But I'm not sure how much and I'm definitely not sure what type of "liking" I'm feeling... is it just physical or...? I mean, he is kind of nice and charming as well... But... I don't know, it's so confusing." Jennie frowned and looked sadly at Nayeon.

Nayeon then put her hand on Jennie's, trying to calm her down.

"Close your eyes." Nayeon spoke seriously.

"Why?" Jennie chuckled nervously.

"Just do it. I know it's corny, but do it."

"Okay." Jennie followed the instructions.

"Take a deep breath."

Jennie did just that.

"Now tell me, when you see him, in your head... what do you feel?"

Jennie concentrated for a bit and then let her emotions flow through her body.

"Actually... I don't know."

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