Chapter 38 - Bagels

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Lisa took out her camera as she came up with a plan on the spot. She took one quick photograph of Jennie and approached her from her side, very very lightly bumping into her while looking at the photograph she just took.

Jennie was confused by the light bump but she turned around to apologize:

"Oh I'm so sorry-" She was interrupted by Lisa who never took her eyes off the camera as she asked Jennie very calmly:

"Excuse me miss, I am looking for this talented pop singer from Korea, she looks very pretty, you can look at her here, on my camera. Have you seen her?"

Lisa felt she was so smooth when she said those words. See Lisa, you can be cool when you want to! She congratulated herself.

"It's you, oh my! Hahaha!" Jennie realized quickly it was Lisa and immediately hugged her tightly. Luckily, Lisa's camera was hanging around her neck so Lisa could hug her back without hesitation. She hugged her tightly as well.

"Oh, it's so nice to see you again!" Jennie spoke enthusiastically. Lisa's butterflies were starting to burst inside her and she was overwhelmed by Jennie's extreme positivity and the adorable grin she was having.

"See me? I'm so happy to see you, you wouldn't believe it!" Lisa spoke probably louder than she thought she would because of her nerves. Jennie just chuckled at that. She's adorable! Jennie mused as she hugged Lisa once again. And she smells so nice, oh wow!

She hugged me twice! I'm dying! Lisa was extremely happy at the moment.

"So... Can I see the photograph of that... what did you call her, "talented, pretty pop singer from Korea"?" Jennie asked cutely.

"VERY pretty." Lisa corrected her, but soon realized that might have sounded awkward so she covered her mouth.

"You're smooth, Lisa!" Jennie chuckled. "The whole thing, when you came here... Yeah, I can see why your girlfriend is with you."

Lisa just awkwardly nodded her head, thinking it was awkward to talk about Jisoo in such an open place. She wanted a more private space where she could more casually talk about herself if needed.

Jennie picked up on the awkwardness of what she said so she thought to herself - Oh no, did I say something wrong? I better change the subject!

"So... the photograph please?" She asked politely.

"Oh, right!" Lisa's smile appeared again and Jennie was happy to see that. Much better. Her smile suits her.

"Wow Lisa, you really know how to get a good angle for me! I mean, I knew that before, but this is really great! The concert you're going to take photos of me... Well, I just know I'm in good hands!" She smiled at her once again while Lisa felt like melting inside.

Is she aware of what she's saying? I mean... Ugh! She thinks I'm in a relationship, so this is all her just being friendly... Isn't it? Lisa quickly pondered before replying:

"Well, I will definitely do my best hehe!" She then added: "So... I was wondering-"

"I know this great coffee shop downstairs." Jennie interrupted her accidentally and then covered her mouth: "I'm sorry, you were saying?" She giggled as she apologized.

STOP BEING ADORABLE JENNIE KIM! Lisa was barely controlling herself at this point.

"Yeah, I saw this coffee shop that... That sells bagels! And I wanted to get you some!" She proudly exclaimed at the end, feeling like she just won a prize for not stuttering during that sentence. "It's right over there!" Lisa pointed with a grin.

The Star and The Fangirl - A JenLisa fanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin