Chapter 64 - Lisa's Birthday

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Lisa woke up to the buzzing of her phone. She immediately rubbed her eyes to see if it was Jennie and she was relieved when she saw that it was her. In the message were all the details about the show and how to get there. Lisa then thanked Jennie and wished her a relaxing time before her next show which was going to be in Seoul on the 27th.

I can't believe it, only two more days before her show.... Oh, it's going to be a blast! Lisa was excited.

Jennie was exhausted since she was performing two days in a row, but she felt very happy. I'm glad that I have a couple of days now to rest before the next show, I really need to build up my energy before Seoul... Physical and emotional energy. Wait, why emotional? For what am I preparing? I swear, this brain of mine just keeps leaving me breadcrumbs with no context... Jennie contemplated while lying in her bed on the bus. She then gave up and turned on the TV. Might as well watch some TV now... Heh, cartoons! Oh that reminds me, Lisa! I'm so glad she's going to see Twice... I wonder why Nayeon was so insistent on meeting her... Hehe silly Nayeon. I hope she's doing okay though.

Lisa spent another day buzzing around Seoul, trying to soak in as much as possible. Oh, it would be lovely to live in this neighborhood. This neighborhood looks really nice! Oh, but I bet it's expensive! Like really expensive! Well, Chaeng and I did say to get two jacuzzis if we get insanely rich so... Why wouldn't this neighborhood also be a possibility? She smiled at the thought of that.

After a long day of more exploring, Lisa got back to her hotel room and received a call from Chaeyoung:


"Hey Lisa...! Sooo how are you, how was your day?"

"Oh, mostly exploring, Seoul is something else! Like, really, something else. I know I said that before... But wow... Anyway, how are you Chaeng?"

"Oh I'm okay, a bit tired... But nothing too much. Tomorrow won't be a heavy day I hope, so you know I'll be good to party!" Chaeyoung responded tired but happy.

"I'm super-pumped for tomorrow, I can't wait to see Twice perform!"

"Me too! And then karaoke!"

"Oh karaoke, don't get me started!" Lisa responded happily.

After that, the conversation continued for a couple of minutes before the tired duo decided to go to sleep.

The following day, Lisa was eagerly waiting in front of Chaeyoung's work building with some food.

"I know your day can be busy, so I got you something!" She spoke as she handed Chaeyoung the food.

"Lisa, you're the best! Oh, thank you! Today was such a busy day I barely had time to eat!" The two then hugged and went to Chaeyoung's apartment so that Chaeyoung could get ready for the night out.

The music that was playing in Chaeyoung's apartment was a mix of Jennie's songs and Twice's songs.

"So.... How long do you think they'll perform?" Chaeyoung asked.

"I don't know, but I think Jennie said that it won't be long... So, maybe three, or four songs... Possibly five?"

"Yeah, sounds about right. I've seen these shows on TV and yeah, this type of thing.... I mean, three or four songs sounds about right."

"Heh, and Chaeng, what do you think they'll perform?"

"I have no idea.... Heart Shaker has been really popular these days, so maybe that?"

"Oh, I love that song!"

"Me too! I sometimes sing it randomly at work and people just stare hahahah!"

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