Chapter 56 - Mixed Signals

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Jennie and Nayeon woke up around 10am.


"Hi." They both grumbled while rubbing their eyes, trying to wake up.

"What's the time?"

"10am." Jennie answered.

"Oh... I should be leaving soon, I have to get back so that I can get ready for today."

Haha, get ready because you smell like garb- Oh! There it is again. Another thing reminding me of Lisa. I really should sit down and think about what Nayeon said last night, there's still a lot to unpack there. Jennie then shook herself out of her trance and spoke:

"Are we still seeing each other tonight?"

"Of course!" Nayeon responded cheerfully.

"Okay, cause I don't want to be breaking up another-"

"It wasn't a date! Jeongyeon was there, and she could testify that it wasn't a date." Nayeon defended. She then looked at Jennie with a sad face.

She does look like she wishes it was a date. Oh, no... Is she... Did I...?

"Oh babe, I'm so sorry! No, come here!" Jennie then spoke and offered a hug to Nayeon and Nayeon hugged Jennie tightly.

"Sh sh sh... I'm sorry... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have, I'm sorry..." Jennie was sincerely apologizing.

"It's... It's okay... I... I'm still processing and feeling a lot of things. I know you were just kidding. I'm sorry I snapped."

"You didn't snap, oh no, baby, come on... it's okay." Jennie kissed Nayeon's forehead. "Are you sure you going to be okay now that you're going to spend a lot of time in each other's vicinity again?"

"I think I will... When we work, then there's a lot of focus on our music so that... That keeps me distracted for a good chunk of the day."

"Well, you know you can call me or text me or whatever if there's ever a time you need another hug or a kiss on the forehead." Jennie chuckled at that last part and Nayeon joined in.

"Thank you, Jennie."

"You're more than welcome." Jennie then ordered a cab for Nayeon and Nayeon was on her way back to her group.

Once Jennie was alone, she started to think about what Nayeon said last night.

Okay, so.... My mind is trying to tell me that, in my sleep, I felt I wanted to kiss Lisa. But why only in my sleep? Is it really because I've been ignoring other possible signs while I was awake... Hmmm... Let me think about it... Oh... OH-

Jennie then remembered both of those times she and Lisa hung out. She remembered the first time that she met her, how she liked her fashion sense. She remembered the first time enjoying Lisa's scent. She remembered laughing at Lisa's jokes and Lisa being extremely awkward around her...

But I thought that was all just me being friendly towards her... Hello, mind? Hello! We need to talk about this subconscious message you were trying to send me! I don't get it, I thought I just liked her as a friend. And now you're telling me that I've been sending mixed signals... to myself? To my freaking self! Good job, Jennie. I applaud. No, seriously, can you hear me applauding? I don't think you can. LET. ME. APPLAUD. LOUDER.

Jennie sat on her bed. She soon received a call from her management.

"Hey Jen, we hope you're awake, we'll be sending you your limousine in an hour!"

"Oh, right... Promotions... Wait, limousine?"

"Oh, you're gonna love it. There are so many features. We thought, since the tour already looks promising, that a limousine is in order."

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