Chapter 39 - Jisoo and Juice

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"We broke up." Lisa finally admitted. "Jisoo... I never told you her name. We broke up."

"Oh my..." Jennie was stunned. "I'm so sorry to hear that." Jennie put her hands once again over Lisa's, trying to comfort her.

Lisa felt blood running to her cheeks from the constant touching.

"It's... Yeah..."

"We don't have to talk about it if it's too painful."

"No, no!" Lisa collected herself about. "It's just a bit complicated and silly. I mean, not the breakup. Just the fact that I didn't tell you sooner... I meant to, but it really didn't seem appropriate..."

"No! I completely understand, it's okay. Not silly at all!"

"Well... That happened since the last time we met."

"May I ask... if that's okay with you... what happened?" Jennie asked extremely politely, as if she was very sorry for opening up Lisa's wounds, but she was also very curious about the whole thing. I don't want to hurt her, but... I want to know... Why would anyone want to end a relationship with her? Did she break up with Jisoo or was it the other way around? I have so many questions...

"It's just... She said that she was tired of giving love to me. And that she was tired of my love. She said she wasn't in love with me anymore."

"So she broke up with you?" Jennie was surprised.

"Yes." Lisa responded. "I'm... I'm still healing from it all. I mean, I've been better. I am better now than when it happened, but... It still kinda haunts me."

"You two have been together for a longer period of time?"

"Three and a half years."

"Oh wow." Jennie covered her mouth with her hands, giving Lisa a sympathetic look.

"Yeah... It happened in December actually."

"Are... Are you okay?"

"No... Not yet. But I will be." Lisa gave Jennie a reassuring smile. Yeah... I should lighten up the mood a bit- she thought but Jennie soon responded:

"I just wanted to say... I had this feeling when we texted that something wasn't... That something was... I don't know, weird?"

"What do you mean?" Lisa was confused.

"I mean, whenever I would mention her, you wouldn't respond much or tell much about her. She also didn't come with you to Korea, and I thought that she would do that."

"Wow, you pick things up quickly, don't you?" Lisa was surprised.

"I took interest, yes." Jennie nodded while taking a bite out of her cinnamon bagel. Lisa just smiled at the sight.

"Well, I'm glad you did. It feels a bit better now that you know. I mean, now we both know my situation so... Yeah."

"Do you want to talk about it more or?" Jennie asked politely.

"Yes and no. No, because I'm done with bringing the mood down," Lisa chuckled while saying that, "And yes, maybe later on when I think I have something better to say."

"Okay, but don't worry, the mood is not down. I mean, this bagel..." Jennie tried to change the subject and they both grinned.

"Do you like it?" Lisa took the opportunity and ran with the topic.

"Oh yeah... I now see why you wanted to eat it, it's really good."

"Actually, if I'm honest... the whole "bagels" thing was something I came up with in my head."

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