Chapter 16 - What Jisoo Wrote vs. What Jennie Wrote

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Lisa woke up to an empty bed. Chaeyoung must have left to do her thing. Oh well, might as well get up now. She stood up and realized she had a massive headache and her body was hurting from all the dancing she did last night.

"Ow! Ow!" She groaned as she was getting to the mini fridge to drink some cold bottled water.

Last night was... heh... Pretty wild. With the dancing, and the drinking and the- OH MY JISOOS I TEXTED JENNIE! Lisa covered her mouth realizing what happened. She sat on the edge of the couch, not wanting to move at all.

Oh no. No. No. Why? Why did I do that? Agh... On top of that, my head is killing me. Welp, better go look at my phone and breathe the disappointment in. I mean, Lisa, really? Texting early in the morning while drunk... And it wasn't even like a cool question. Now she'll think I'm this annoying clingy fan who can't have boundaries and can't be a normal friend. Yeah. Of course she responded. Let me read this real quick- Lisa's brain froze as she was reading Jennie's text message. Her mind was racing: No. No. She didn't. No. She can't be this nice. This isn't happening.

Lisa breathed out a sigh of relief as she was reading Jennie's message over and over again. Her grin was getting bigger by the second. No, seriously! She can't be this nice to me! I know we're friends, but come on.... Oh you Jennie Kim, you made me happy once again! Lisa was squealing internally from the excitement. She read the message out loud as if she couldn't believe it. The message read:

Bahahahaha... Well, yes...! Yeah! When I really think about it, I guess I do pull out the choreography! I hope you had a great night out, I see that you've texted me early this morning hahaha ;) I hope you're still enjoying Seoul! :*

Lisa's mind was racing all over again. A winky face and a kiss emoji? No, that's it, game over. I'm setting this phone on fire and throwing it out the window. It's too much to handle.

She was giggling like she never giggled before in her life. Okay, gotta keep it cool and reply in a cool manner. She wrote:

Seoul is great! My friend and I were out in the club last night! We heard DDU-DU DDU-DU and that's how we got to that question I asked you before :)

She then wrote another one:

We tried to do the choreography but we were too drunk and too clumsy to finish it :'D

Lisa was feeling confident about those two messages - Yeah, it sounds friendly and normal enough. I think we can call this a successful conversation! But I really have to get off my phone now. All this positive energy I'm getting from her text messages... It's too much! Too much I tell you! She giggled and left the phone on the bed while ordering room service to eat something.

When the food got to her room, she sat down and turned on the TV. She grabbed her phone to text Jisoo. I will try to make it nice. She thought before texting. Her stomach was feeling sick because she was nervous, but she found some confidence to send Jisoo a simple text:

Hey babe! I hope you had a great night last night. It was Saturday, so I'm guessing you went out :D Hope you had a great time! I love you and I miss you! Also, I'm coming home tomorrow night, and I can't wait to see you!

After a couple of minutes, Jisoo responded:

Hey! Can you text me tomorrow when I have to pick you up from the airport?

Sure! I will do that tomorrow, don't worry about a thing :) Did you have a great night? Lisa asked.

It was alright, a bit of clubbing, a bit of hanging out in my colleague's apartment, nothing special.

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