Chapter 4 - The Wait and the Travel

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The next day Lisa went to a couple of classes at her university. She didn't want to miss out on anything because that made studying easier in the end. After that, she texted Jisoo:

Hey babe, I hope you had a great night with your friends! I'm done with my classes for today, so I can come by to your place whenever you're free.

She then went on to the wander through the streets of Bangkok. Yesterday, she didn't take any photographs, but today, she had more free time, so she decided to do so now. She wasn't in any particular mood, so she just took photographs of things that were interesting at the moment: old buildings, new buildings, a group of people waiting at a crosswalk, stray cats, people on bicycles...

After a while she got tired and decided to eat something. Just as she was giving her money in exchange for a hamburger, her phone vibrated in her pocket. She took it out and saw Jisoo's text:

Hey Lisa, you can come by around 9pm. I'll make dinner and we can watch a movie.

A movie? I guess that's okay. She hadn't seen Jisoo for a couple of days now and she was hoping for some love and affection. She knew that watching a movie with Jisoo was pointless - Jisoo usually picked which movie they would watch, Lisa would usually agree, even when she didn't feel like watching it, and then Jisoo would fall asleep within the first hour of the movie, leaving Lisa to watch the movie by herself. And no kisses, no affection, nothing. So basically it felt like a boring sleepover where nothing happened. This wasn't always the case, of course, just for the last couple of months, since Jisoo got her new job. Lisa didn't mind it at first, since she thought that spending time with her girlfriend was always nice, no matter what happened. But now she just felt kind of used, like a big comforting pillow for her girlfriend, and nothing more. After thinking about all of that, Lisa responded with a simple "Okay" and went home to take a shower and pack her sleepover things - her pajamas and her toothbrush.

The whole evening happened exactly as Lisa thought it would - Jisoo greeted her with not a lot of enthusiasm when she came over, saying she was too tired from hanging out with her colleagues after work. Typical. Lisa thought to herself but smiled anyway. They had a simple dinner - spaghetti and they talked about what happened to them that day. Lisa wanted to talk more, but Jisoo was "too tired".

"We don't have to watch the movie, if you don't want to."

"Nooo, I really want to see it."

"But you're too tired, I don't want to push you or anything."

"Lisa, I'm telling you, it's fine."

"Okay, let's snuggle and watch!" Lisa said cutely.

They snuggled next to each other and started to watch the movie. After 20 minutes, Jisoo started to snore. Lisa sighed. She turned off the TV, snuggled next to Jisoo, kissed her on the forehead and went to sleep.

Maybe next time we'll do something more productive. And with that thought she drifted into dreamland.


"Thanks for driving me to the airport babe, I know it's been a long day for you at work, but I really appreciate this."

"No problem Lisa. When is Chaeyoung arriving?"

"Yeah, she said she had some last minute thing she had to do so she couldn't pick me up. I think she'll be there soon too."

The wait was finally over. It was the morning of the 23rd, and Lisa had done all the math - Chaeyoung and she will be in Seoul in the early afternoon and they had just the right amount of time to get to the hotel. Lisa would then get ready for the concert and then she would go out and look for Club FF. She would get there early so she could mentally prepare herself for the greatest musical experience of her life and then she would brag about it for the rest of her life.

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