Chapter 32 - Jisoo's Birthday Vs. Jennie's Birthday

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Life was in a different lane now that Chaeyoung wasn't around. They did see each other on Skype very soon and they were goofing off as per usual. Obviously, they commented how they could "feel the smell of each other miles and miles away" which was followed by their usual "garbage-nicknaming".

And apart from that, Lisa had no time to waste - more assignments were given to her from the agency, some were easier, some were more challenging, but Lisa did a tremendous job while doing all of them. She had to study for the exams that were approaching soon, some were in late January while others at the beginning of February.

When the 3rd of January came, Lisa was having an inner struggle. She knew it wasn't something she should dwell on for too long, but she also knew she had to consider all the factors before doing anything.

The 3rd was Jisoo's birthday. Ugh! It's so silly to even think about this too much. I'm going to wish her a happy birthday and be done! Lisa thought to herself as she picked up the phone. She wrote a quick message that read:

Happy birthday!

The message was followed by a couple of balloon emojis and that was it.

The way our relationship ended wasn't the best. But she did give me three happy years before that. And wishing her this doesn't mean much, but at least it's over with. Lisa mused.

After a while, Jisoo responded:

Thank you!

That was followed by a fair amount of hug and smiling emojis which Lisa couldn't fathom why they were there. Jisoo sent another message as well:

If you want, we can grab a cup of coffee these days.

Lisa's eyes widened as much as they could as she stared at the message. Say what? Coffee? After the whole thing with the breakup? Lisa had an internal monologue and she was very confused. This can't end well, she thought, so she wrote:

Yeah, I don't think that would be a good idea right now.

Jisoo soon replied:

Okay, no problem. If you want, we can stay in touch and grab a cup of coffee when you feel like it. I would like to stay friends.

Lisa replied:

Don't get me wrong, but I don't see the point in staying friends. I mean, I don't want to be rude, it's just that I really don't see a point in doing that.

After a while, Jisoo responded again:

Okay. If you change your mind, be sure to text me.

Lisa read that last message and put her phone aside. A thousand thoughts were rushing through her head: No. It would be a bad idea. No. I have nothing to gain. I'd be hanging out with her, listening about Jessica, or even worse, I'd be forced to hang out with Jessica.... These last few messages have been an impulse reaction and I really didn't think them through when I wrote them... But now that I am thinking about them, I think I've made the right decision. Actually, no. I FEEL I've made the right decision. And that actually makes me feel better than just thinking about it.

Lisa was satisfied. She knew it was hard to go through that interaction with Jisoo, no matter how intense or non-intense it was. But she knew she made the right decision. She got back to her studies.

Days have passed, and Lisa would mostly divert her time and energy to her college, to her work and to getting enough sleep to do the first two. She knew she had to work hard now to enjoy the fruit of her labor later. Every time she could, she would also Skype to Chaeyoung and they would have a blast in their conversations.

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