Chapter 34 -"Although!"

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The festival Lisa was sent to was something extraordinary - she had three days and a lot of photographs to take. She met a lot of people along the way and she generally enjoyed herself whenever she wasn't too busy doing her job. Every night, after photographing everything she was told to photograph, she would go back to the hotel she was staying in and she was mostly too tired to do anything else.

This will all be worth it. Just to call Chaeyoung "garbage" in person. And to see Korea a bit as well.

After she came back from the festival, she uploaded the photographs and sent them to the agency.

Huh... I still haven't notified Jennie I was coming to Korea... Should I keep that a secret and just surprise her? Nah... I think it would be best if she knew as well... I mean, why hide it?

Lisa then texted Jennie:

Hey! I will be coming to Korea for one of your concerts on your mini-tour! :)) My agency is sending me there to take photographs of you when you perform, so yay!

Lisa then put the phone beside her and got back to her studying.

After a couple of minutes, her phone buzzed. I sometimes wonder if she has a sixth sense when it comes to my messages. It can't be her... Can it? Oh, yeah it is!

Lisa's grin appeared on her face as soon as she saw Jennie replied to her:

That's so great! Yay! Do you know when you're coming exactly? Maybe we could hang around after the concert for a bit. I know I'll be probably in a hurry after it, but why not see each other :* :)

Lisa stood there with her eyes wide open - Hang around? As in... hang around? OH MY LIFE, JENNIE WANTS TO HANG AROUND! Calm down, Lisa, breathe in, breathe out! She then texted:

The concert on the 27th is when I'm doing my job! And yeah, we could hang around after the concert for a bit, maybe take another selfie or two haha :*

Lisa wrote that text message and threw her phone on the bed because she really couldn't believe what was happening. Imagine, Jennie and I, hanging around backstage, smiling, having fun, eating a bagel or whatever... Wow.

Lisa's phone soon buzzed and it was Jennie's response:

Okay! If there will be a possibility to hang around, I will definitely tell you in advance :)))

Lisa was again struck: She's so nice. Look at this. If I didn't know any better, I'd think she's making a move or something. But I do know better, so yeah... Lisa, don't fangirl too much. She then replied:

Great! I will be seeing Seoul soon again too, can't wait for that either, but hanging around with you would be awesome! :D

Jennie had a bit of free time at the moment so she was hanging around in her apartment, watching TV and texting Lisa at the same time. When she read the last message, she thought to herself - Huh... She's going to see Seoul soon? So two trips in two months? Wow, her job really is good.

She then texted Lisa:

You're coming to Seoul more than once? :D

To which Lisa soon responded:

Oh yeah! My best friend is celebrating her birthday on the 11th of February so I'll be coming that weekend!

Jennie stared at that message for a couple of seconds before thinking to herself - Well, why don't we all hang out when she comes then?, which made Jennie wrote the following:

Great! If you want, we can all hang out then! I could take you around Seoul to see some things, if you, your friend and your girlfriend would like that?

Jennie mused - I'm guessing her girlfriend is coming with her since it's a birthday celebration. It would be cool to meet the person who is with Lisa, just to tell her that she has excellent taste. Lisa really is a great person.

Lisa on the other hand was now banging her head lightly against the wall from all the joy she had in her body after reading that last message. After she calmed down, she wrote back:

Of course! I will have to check with my friend in Seoul about everything because she'll be hosting me, but yes, it would be great to meet up!

Jennie read the message and thought to herself - Huh, that's the second time I've mentioned her girlfriend and she didn't say anything about her. Well, I hope those two are okay. They probably are, I'm just making things up.

She then wrote back:

Okay, great! It will be nice to see you again :* <3

That was followed with a GIF of another two cats hugging, which was followed by a similar GIF from Lisa.

Lisa was amazed. I can't wait to see Chaeyoung. But seeing Jennie... in like a non-concert setting, just hanging around? I think I need to sit down, my head is spinning.

She sat there thinking would it be possible to combine Jennie and Chaeyoung in a single hangout session.

I mean, Chaeyoung will be busy while I'm there. So as she's being busy, I'm guessing she won't mind if I hang out with Jennie. And the three of us can hang out together, if time allows us all to do it. Well, I better check with her tonight, I don't want to make her feel bad about anything. But I couldn't blow off Jennie Kim in a text message either... I just hope this goes well.

As soon as nighttime came, Lisa videocalled Chaeyoung and they discussed the matter. Chaeyoung was obviously visibly excited for Lisa:

"Oh my Lisa! You two! Hanging out! That's amazing!"

"Well technically, us three!"

"Oh, I would love that to happen, but you know my schedule... If it happens, it will be great, if not, I know you two lovebirds will have fun!" Chaeyoung teased.


"Oh, we're still not admitting you're crushing on her now?"

"Chaeng... Even if I was, it would be a dumb idea."

"So you are?"

"I... I don't know."

"Well... I'm not going to push you or your feelings. I just thought I'd make fun of you a little... You know..."

"Yeah, I know" Lisa smiled shaking her head. "Oh you!"

"And there is no dumb idea when it comes to this. If it happens, it happens. I'm with you no matter how you feel."

"Thank you for the support!" Lisa said lovingly.

They talked a bit more after that before ending their videocall due to the fact that they have a full day tomorrow.

I mean... Am I really... Crushing now? Like, not just fangirling or any of the other "lighter" stuff... Is Jennie really my crush? No. That would still be a dumb idea... Although!... Nah... Lisa mused before going to sleep.

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