Chapter 47 - Nayeon Learns About Lisa

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"Jennie!" The two rushed into each other's arms, hugging each other. "Oh, I haven't seen you in so long!" Nayeon spoke after the hug.

"I know, right? Too long!" Jennie smiled at her.

"Okay, so let's get to this lovely restaurant, I hope you're hungry." Nayeon proposed.

"Starving! I ate this morning really early and I could reeeeally eat something good right now!" Jennie grinned.

"Oh, well, I know just the place!"

The two walked towards a nearby restaurant, giggling and trying to cover as much ground as possible.

"Yeah, no, Twice's schedule has been really hectic."

"Oh, I know, I've been following your social media and everything, it looks crazy!"

"But I do love it, you know... It's just that it has been really hard, you know?"

"Of course I do!"

"Of course you do!" they both chuckled.

"So... Tell me what's new with Twice and with you? I mean, I know what I see online, but... what about the other stuff?" Jennie asked eagerly.

"Oh, I'll tell you this - a lot of hard work, a lot of rehearsals, and practically no sleep. When it comes to our social lives these days... Yeah, that's a no. When our free days do arrive, like this one today , then I actively try to relax as much as possible."

"So... How many free days did you get?"

"Two weeks actually, and I already feel better!"

"Glad to hear it!"

"So am I! So.... Jennie Kim, what's new with you? I saw those photos with the cute girl!"

"Cute girl... Is that like her official nickname?" Jennie smiled.

"Oh, I know you put her Instagram handle, but I forgot it... It started with an "L"."

"It's Lisa." Jennie said with a smile.

"Riiight! Lisa! Who is she?" Nayeon grinned while asking.

"Where do I start? Haha.... Okay, to keep it short so I don't bore you, she's a fan from Thailand who became my friend, and someday, I hope she'll become my photographer!" Jennie's eyes sparkled as she talked about Lisa.

"Whoa, whoa, slow down there, cowgirl! Take me through it step by step! So how does a fan become a friend? I've never witnessed that before, so I'm definitely interested." Nayeon smiled.

"Hahaha cowgirl!" Jennie laughed. Where does she come up with this? "Okay... So... Whoa, where to begin again? D'you remember my acoustic concert?"

"Of course! I've watched it online like 10 times, it was perfect!"

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

"Well... She came to that concert!" Jennie excitedly exclaimed.

"No way! From Thailand?"


"Just to see your concert?"


"Whoa, that's dedication!" Nayeon admired Lisa's will to travel all that way.

"That's what I thought... And I mean... To come from Thailand to Korea... Going through all of that..."

"I know... It makes you really thankful for all your fans, right?"

The Star and The Fangirl - A JenLisa fanficWhere stories live. Discover now