Chapter 27 - The Breakup

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The following week was definitely something new for Lisa - a lot of work, a lot of studying and a lot of nice texting towards Jisoo. Like really nice. She did everything in her power to avoid talking about New Zealand, while also trying to keep everything nice and stable and not suspicious. She mentally needed more time in order to prepare.

I have to do this on Saturday. I wasn't prepared for it. I'm scared. But it is now or never. I have to be truthful, I have to be fair and I have to say what's on my mind - was the mantra Lisa was saying to herself the entire week.

As it turns out, the events that were given to her really weren't something that challenged Lisa too much - on Monday, it was something she had already done - "Bangkok by night". She was given specific instructions on where and when to photograph and which streets and monuments to photograph, so that definitely wasn't challenging for her. But she did enjoy doing those photographs because they relaxed her a lot.

On Wednesday, there was a small biker event that was happening in a nearby park. Again, Lisa had done photography of other people, especially people in motion, so this wasn't something that was too troublesome for her. But again, since photography was her passion, she enjoyed every second of it.

On Wednesday, Lisa also sent out a text to Jisoo. She wanted to test a theory. She simply wrote:

Hey, I was thinking about it lately, and we should talk about it in person, but... Wanna move in together?

Jisoo's response was overwhelmingly negative, saying that she wasn't "ready for it". She even asked Lisa what she was thinking in the first place.

This answer gave her a clue on how Jisoo was thinking lately and she was definitely going to keep that in mind on Saturday.

On Friday, another "Bangkok by night" session was given to her, only this time, the focus was on empty streets and places she hadn't done before. This is always a challenge because Lisa has to find the right streets that will look great while also watching out that no people were in the shot. She did this later at night when it was less crowded.

Ugh.... If only this night could last longer. Tomorrow is Saturday and oh... I really don't know how I feel about this whole situation.

As soon as she got home that night, Lisa had sent all the photographs to the agency, just like she had done all the other nights before this one. She stared at her laptop blankly.

She hadn't talked to Chaeyoung about the entirety of the situation. She only informed her that Jisoo and her were going to have a talk. Not THE talk. She didn't want to lie to Chaeyoung, but she also wasn't sure how the whole things with Jisoo would go down, so she didn't want Chaeyoung to worry too much. She did however promise her, that no matter what, she would call her immediately as soon as the conversation with Jisoo was over. On Thursday and Friday, Lisa barely texted Jisoo, and the texts she sent were mostly short and with a very neutral tone, something that Lisa never did with Jisoo.

Lisa's stomach hurt as she was lying in her own bed, overwhelmed with thoughts, trying not to think about tomorrow.

Saturday came. Jisoo and Lisa decided to meet up at a cafe in Lisa's neighborhood. Lisa was sitting at her table. She was nervous. What do I do? How do I approach this? How do I approach her when she arrives? Do I give her a kiss and go for small talk... or should I start right away and not think about it too much-

Her trance was broken when Jisoo appeared in front of her all of a sudden.

"Hey." Lisa rose to greet her and stood in her spot.

"Hey." Jisoo greeted back. She seemed nervous. Why is she nervous?

Jisoo and Lisa then sat down. After a couple of failed attempts from both sides to initiate a proper conversation, Jisoo started again:

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