Chapter 93 - Names and Nicknames

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"Chaeng, come on, why are you laughing?" Lisa asked with a confused grin on her face.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, just... just give me a second, please HAHAHAHAHAHA" Chaeyoung was on the floor of the dance hall, laughing.

Jennie and Lisa came earlier and saw that the 9-member group was already there, waiting for their training session. Chaeyoung and Jisoo greeted Lisa but they stood on their marks, wanting to be professional. Lisa enthusiastically waved back, leaving Jennie room to talk to the group in a professional manner.

Jennie then showed the group a couple of moves regarding the choreography for Whistle and then she let everyone practice it to the music.

She was sitting on the side of the dance hall with Lisa, chuckling and giggling with nothing particular in mind. The duo were just happily sitting there, enjoying their time together.

"They really are doing well, even though they barely started working together." Lisa commented quietly.

"I know, right? They could be huge!" Jennie was proud of the work the group had done so far. "I was even thinking of reducing the time that I spend on my projects to help them out more."

"Oh really? Look at mommy Jennie looking out for her cubs!" Lisa teased.

"Haha I just remembered how I felt when I started out and I really appreciated all the help I could get. Don't get me wrong, there is a whole team working with them, but you know... If I could help out more, that would be great. My team told me I could work with them as much or as little as I want so..."

"Wow... That's so great of them to allow that... And so great of you that you want to help them out... I'm... I'm proud! You go Jennie!" Lisa cheered on and they both just chuckled.

After a while, the group decided to take a break from doing the choreography so that they could drink a bit of water and relax for a moment. While the other girls went outside of the dance hall, Chaeyoung went to Jennie and Lisa so that they could all relax together. Lisa and Chaeyoung finally hugged each other and then Jennie spoke:

"It's good that you came here, actually"

"Oh, why is that?" She asked with a smile.

Jennie and Lisa then looked at each other with huge grins on their faces and then looked at Chaeyoung.

"Lisa... She's your garbage, you tell her!" Jennie told Lisa.

Lisa then explained what had happened and how she asked Jennie to be her girlfriend. This is when Chaeyoung's laughter came in and she was still on the floor rolling. Jennie and Lisa were confused by her reaction but waited patiently for her reply.

"Okay... Huh... Okay, I think I'm done with laughing." Chaeyoung calmed herself down from the laughter.

"Now do you wanna tell us why you laughed so hard?" Lisa asked with a smirk.

"Huh... Okay, first, congratulations!" Chaeyoung then hugged both Jennie and Lisa together which they both appreciated.

"Second... I laughed because... It's funny to me how you both mentioned you wanted to take things slow and then BAM! - one month later Lisa comes back to Korea for one short weekend and this happens! Don't get me wrong..." she then wiped a tear that was appearing in her eye from her previous laughter. She continued:

"... But you two are so freaking whipped for each other that it's honestly just funny... I mean, it's adorable, but the way you handled the situation is comedy gold!"

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