Chapter 21 - Lisa Fights Back

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Jisoo came back with popcorn as both of them snuggled next to each other to watch the movie. Lisa's mind wouldn't stop thinking about what just happened with Jisoo's friends.

I mean... I guess she likes them... For some reason. I have yet to figure out that reason, but, apparently there is one. I guess they make her laugh? I mean... I don't get their type of humor, but... Okay, I guess...?

Then Lisa's eyebrows furrowed as she remembered the things they have done to her.

I mean, they don't know me. And they acted rude towards me. I mean, everything aside, calling someone you've just met "a freak" is not nice. And the way they've disregarded my opinions when I tried to join their conversations... I was trying not to look antisocial and actually engage with them and they were... mean. Rude. All three of them.

Lisa's blood started to boil. For the first time in a long time, she didn't want to come up with any excuses for Jisoo or her friends. Actually, she did try to come up with excuses for them, because Lisa's mind always tries to do the polite thing. But this time, she actually couldn't come up with anything.

But, she didn't want to come off as "paranoid" like Jisoo would describe her. So she went the quieter route:

"Hey Jisoo..."

"Mm?" Jisoo said, still not taking her eyes off the movie."

Good, she's still awake. And she doesn't seem tired.

"So... What do you think your friends think of me?" Jisoo sat up and moved away from Lisa, turning her head towards her and pausing the movie. Lisa was confused.

"Actually... I wanted to talk to you about that." Jisoo spoke in a very calm manner, treading lightly.

"Oh, okay, what is it?" Lisa was even more confused now since the situation felt tense.

"They think you're weird." Jisoo said calmly, trying to keep the situation as light as possible. But she was surprised because Lisa gave her an enraged look, while still asking calmly:

"What?" Lisa deadpanned.

"Yeah... When you were in the bathroom, they commented, and yeah..."

Lisa calmed herself down. She didn't want to flip or do anything sudden. She was boiling, but still willing to ask calmly:

"Okay... What did they say?"

"Well, Jessica didn't like the way you spoke to her when she first shook your hand. They all commented how you were really silent during most of their conversations and they felt weird about it. They also didn't like when you wouldn't laugh at their jokes..." Jisoo stopped because she could see that Lisa was fuming.

Lisa breathed in heavily to calm herself down a bit, but this time the words just kept flowing out her mouth uncontrollably.

"I HAVE NOTHING against Jessica. She looks amazing, she seems intelligent, and you like her, so... Why wouldn't I like her? But calling ME a FREAK?! And she's only met me? That's not nice. That's rude! And then getting offended even though I was clearly joking AND I apologized, even though I didn't EVEN HAVE TO APOLOGIZE.... Because, it was a JOKE..."

"Yeah, don't get me wrong, she was kidding when she called you a freak, but I do agree with you, she shouldn't have done that." Jisoo tried to calm Lisa down, but Lisa wouldn't budge.

"OF COURSE SHE SHOULDN'T have done that! We've just met! She doesn't know me. It's rude. It's okay if friends who know each other poke fun at each other like that... But I'm a stranger to her, and that was rude. But I can disregard that part, okay... I mean, she wanted to make a joke, fine..." Lisa was again excusing someone's behavior. "BUT... I won't disregard that she didn't even accept my apology and that she acted offended, even though I clearly was joking. I even said I was joking. AND I apologized."

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