Chapter 28 - Sunday

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Look how peaceful she is. Who would ever want to hurt her and disturb that peace? Chaeyoung mused as she woke up before Lisa did. They were both in the same position as last night. One side of Chaeyoung's body felt numb so she would shuffle every now and then, but would pretty quickly put her hand back over Lisa's body in order to hug it.

After a while, Lisa started to wake up and she felt Chaeyoung's hand so she grabbed it and hugged it hard.

Chaeyoung didn't talk because she wanted Lisa to have her own space and she wanted Lisa to feel secure enough about anything she had to say. So she waited patiently.

After a while of holding Chaeyoung's hand tightly, she turned around, while still holding Chaeyoung's hand in her own and now they were looking at each other.

Lisa's eyes were red from crying and she looked pale and scared.

Chaeyoung wiped a bit of leftover tears and looked at Lisa silently. After a while, Lisa opened her mouth:

"I want... I want to talk to you about what happened."

"Okay." Chaeyoung replied softly.

"But I want to do it... My way."

"Okay, Lisa, take your time." Chaeyoung gave her a very small but reassuring smile.

I don't know what I would do without her, she reads me so well.

They were lying again in silence, Lisa looking at Chaeyoung's hand, Chaeyoung looking at how Lisa was holding her hand. Chaeyoung was still patient.

After a while, Lisa took a deep breath and asked:

"Can we take the pillows and blanket to my bed? I think I'd be more comfortable telling you the whole story there." She spoke that last part softly.

Chaeyoung agreed and they both went to Lisa's bed, under the covers. Chaeyoung wrapped around her arm around Lisa's shoulders, allowing Lisa to lie next to Chaeyoung and to hug her.

"Okay, so..." Lisa started.

Chaeyoung gave her a reassuring nod and Lisa started to open up about last night's event. She couldn't describe the whole event all at once because every now and then she had to stop and cry out some more, but Chaeyoung was listening intently. She never said a word. Just patiently waited, held Lisa tighter when she wanted to cry more and kissed her on the forehead every now and then to assure her that she was still there, listening.

After Lisa was done talking, she started to cry hard on Chaeyoung's shoulder while also covering her face. Chaeyoung hugged her tighter and caressed her hair gently.

After Lisa calmed down, they were both lying there in silence.

"Lisa?" Chaeyoung finally spoke.


"Oh nothing, I was just checking if you fell asleep again." Chaeyoung chuckled. This actually made Lisa chuckle as well and she hugged Chaeyoung harder than before.

"Oh you!" She smiled.

"Okay, but seriously Lisa, can I say something?" Chaeyoung asked politely.

"Of course." Lisa was all ears.

"I love you. I will support you. I am here for you. This is going to be a rough time. And don't fight it. Fall. Let it hurt you. Don't fight the feelings you have inside. You cried because you physically need to get through this. Just like that, you need to get through this emotionally. And that means also embracing the hurt as well. So take your time. Let your soul heal properly. Do what your inner-... -Lisa... tells you to do. Yeah, your inner-Lisa! And after that, again, some time will pass, but you will feel the healing. And you will heal yourself. And I'll be there the whole way. I may not be here later on, I may be in Korea, but you can always call me, Skype me, not shower for a week so I feel your garbage-scent." Lisa laughed pretty hard at that last one.

"Oh Chaeng!" She smiled.

"I mean it. You will get through this. But let your body and your emotion feel this one. Only after you've really let it sink in will you be able to get up." Chaeyoung hugged Lisa tighter as she said those last words.

Lisa hugged back.

She really is the best. I have no words. Like a true sister.

"Thank you Chaeng. This really means a lot to me. And I love you too!" Lisa softly spoke.

Chaeyoung nodded. They were lying there in silence for a while.

Lisa's stomach then started to grumble from being empty. They both laughed when they heard the sound.

"Well... I can't blame your stomach, we have been here for a while. I do have an idea." Chaeyoung spoke with a smile.

"I'm listening."

"Well, today we're both garbage. I mean, not like the usual garbage that we are, but like - we don't have to do anything. It's a Sunday, we've both done what we had to do for our jobs. So I'm thinking about a thing that I always think about when I'm extra-blue."

"And what is that?"

"Food and South Park."


"Well, most people make the mistake and watch sad movies when something sad happens. That's great and all, but wouldn't it be better to watch some badass cartoon's while you're feeling blue?" Chaeyoung explained.

"You know what, I think you're right. I'll embrace the feelings and also get a good laugh out of it."


"What about the food?"

"What about it?"

"Well you said that most people make the mistake and watch sad movies when something sad happens. Does food also fall under some category or something?"

"No. Food is always good. Happy, sad, excited, angry - can't beat food."

"Well, my fridge does have a lot of it."

"We could also go full junk food and just order pizza, right?" Chaeyoung suggested.


After that, it was an easy plan; they ordered the food, got comfortable and watched South Park. They were laughing pretty hard during the afternoon as they lied on the couch, ate pizza and watched it.

When nighttime came, Chaeyoung turned to Lisa and said:

"I have to get up early in the morning soooo... I'm going to my apartment to fetch my toothbrush and some fresh clothes. I can spend the night and then leave in the morning."

"You... I... Thank you so much." Lisa grinned and hugged her.

Chaeyoung went, and as soon as she came back, they got ready for bed.

"I can sleep on the couch if you want-"

"No! Please! In my bed! Snuggling! Spooning!" Lisa pleaded cutely.

"No problem!" Chaeyoung smiled as they both went to bed.

Chaeyoung spooned Lisa once again as they both fell asleep.

She's so right about so many things, I can't even begin to describe her genius mind. Lisa mused as she fell asleep in Chaeyoung's arms.

The Star and The Fangirl - A JenLisa fanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora