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Samira's P.o.v:

As we completed having snacks and I made truce with Akshat everything was fine, so we moved on to further shopping and this time it was for gents. I was moving between Papa and Uncle (Jai's father) helping them in selecting clothes because they say that my selection is good.

"Papa, Uncle see I told you to select ethnic wear but you people are selecting tux and suit." I said annoyed.

"Doll how many times I told you to call me chote Papa but you won't listen to me and about within wear you're there to select for us." Uncle said.

"Fine I will call you chote Papa and I selected this blue and silver combination sherwani for you to wear on bhai's engagement day and Papa you will wear this read and gold colour combination sherwani." I said handing them their dresses for trail.

"Okay doll / Princess." They said in unison and left for trail room to try them.

"Princess once come here." Mom called me and I left to see what she wanted.

"Samira meet Akshat and Sariyu parents Mr. Aryan Singhania and Mrs. Sowmya Aryan Singhania and She is my elder daughter Samira." Mom introduced them to me.

"Namaste Mr and Mrs. Singhania, it's nice to meet you." I said bending down to touch their feet for blessings.

"God bless you beta, pleasure was ours because Jai won't stop talking about his sisters mainly you and now we can see why." Mr. Singhania said while I felt pink raising on my cheeks.

"And Samira call us Aunt and Uncle if you're comfortable with it." Mrs. Singhania said.

"Then I will call you Aunt and Uncle." I said and they nodded their heads meanwhile bhabhi called me.

"Samira do you have a minute please?" Bhabhi (Sister-in-law) asked.

"Of course Bhabhi, what do you want?" I asked her, moving towards her side.

"Samira my brother Akshat needs assistance in selecting his dress can you help him, I mean everytime myself or Mom will select his dress but this time we both are busy so if you don't have problem?" She asked.

"Di it's okay Samira is busy I will select myself." Akshat chimed in middle even before listening to my reply.

"No problem, Bhabhi and Akshat my selection for Papa and Chote Papa got finished, so I can assist if you need it." I replied but last part was directed at him.

"Akshat take her she has a great taste when it comes to colour combinations also she is your new friend get to know her." Bhabhi said to Akshat and if I'm not wrong I think she winked at Akshat which made him flush but he hid it quickly.

"Then I don't have a problem because I find difficulty in finding colours that suits me." Akshat replied while Bhabhi gave me smile indicating her approval. I and Akshat moved towards the section where his sizes are present.

"Samira tell me about yourself, now that we are friends we have right to know about each other right?"  Akshat said while I was looking at him.

"Well to tell you my name is Samira you already know that, you met my sister and parents so there is no need to tell about them and about myself I completed business management in NY university then I established a company and running it for two years I closed it there and came back here. I love to read romantic novels, also I like to bake and try new recipes." I said and all the while he was listening attentively to me.

"Well it's nice to know about you but I can tell there is more to you and I will unravel it within time. Now we need to select the dress of mine." He said and I felt something in my heart after a long time.

For half an hour we searched different racks and sections for him but he didn't like anything but atlast one dress caught my attention. It is emerald colour with silver lining and silver paijama with embroidery work on lest side of the kurta and when I showed to him, he immediately went to trail room to try and when he came out of the room only one thought was running in my mind  he is looking hot and sexy.

" How am I looking Samira?" He asked breaking the trance I was in.

"You're looking handsome this colour suits you better than any colour." I replied while I mentally slapped myself for the thoughts I found in my mind running.

"Thank you for the selecting my dress." He said and I smiled.

"Your welcome but there is single rule in our friendship that is No thankyou no sorry okay?" I said.

"Fine Maira I accept the rule." He said calling me with a nickname and I smiled in approval.

After that we had dinner at the restaurant and returned to our own house's not before I found myself promising Akshat, bhai, bhabhi, babygirl, Amar and Alisha that I'm going to accompany them to water park along with Aarav, Arjun and Riya. All the day I avoided them effortlessly even though they tried to talk with me of course which was interrupted by Jiya, Ishu or Amar. I completed my ablutions and retired to bed as I felt drown from tiredness because of shopping.

Next day I woke up because of banging on my door that is being made by Jiya and Ishu.

"Guys go away and let me sleep." I shouted stuffing my face into pillow to avoid the noise.

"No way Sammy we are getting late for water park, getup and get ready if not I'm going to call bhai up." Ishu said but I ignored her and slowly drifted into sleep.

Suddenly I felt myself in Bhai's arms and I sunggled into him due to the warmness and comfort but I opened my eyes due to feeling myself falling freely into water and when I came up from swimming pool everyone was laughing at me while Akshat was the only one trying to contain the laughter that is threatening to errupt. I just came out puffed cheeks and stomped my way to room to get ready to go to water park.

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