Chapter- 15

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Akshat's P.O.V:

When I asked her whether she will come with me to Kolkata I was nervous about her answer and when she told yes I was happy that she is giving me a chance after what she went through in past and something changed between us after we shared our pasts with each other and I'm happy about that, also I feel lighter and happy after many days because I didn't want to worry Mom and Di so I never shared about that part of my life with them but with Samira I shared without any obligations. I came out of my trance when someone knocked on my bedroom door and I told that person to enter only to see Di.

"Hi Di," I said.

"Hi, Champ, so I listened from Mom that you and Samira are going to Kolkata to bring my jewellery, is it true?" She asked.

"Yes Di, actually I was hoping to get to know more about her, there is something about her innocence, independence and confidence that attracts me to her and I want her in my life Di and I'm thinking maybe this trip will bring us more close to each other," I said.

"Good to know that my brother started to think about Love and marriage other than business and Akshat don't break her heart, it's a serious warning from me as well as your Jiju." She said.

"I promise you that I will not break her heart Di and now I should go as I should pick her up," I said.

"Okay and Happy Journey Akshat," Di said giving me a hug and then I took my luggage that was needed for two days and placed it in the back seat of the car and drove towards Maira's house and when I reached she was already there waiting for me in front of porch wearing comfortable dress.

"Hi, Maira." I greeted her.

"Hi Akshat, shall we leave?" She asked and I just nodded my head, opening the car door of her side.

After that we started journey all the while talking about different facts, business, activities, like, dislikes, and many more and what is making me even happier is she is opening up to me and I'm enjoying it immensely. By the time we stooped at Dhabha for having dinner, it was 8:00 pm.

"Come, Maira, after dinner, we can start our journey again and by the time clock strikes 11:00 we can reach our farmhouse that is in the entrance of Kolkata city," I said forwarding my hands for her to come out of the car.

"Sure but now I'm going to drive because I love night driving." She said and I was going to say no but I couldn't when I saw her giving me an innocent and carefree smile which she gives whenever her heart tells her to do something she likes.

"Okay come, you can drive remaining way," I said.

After we found a table for two of us, we ordered our food and was waiting for our order and she was talking with her family and I was observing my surroundings when I felt rage building up in my body because a group of boys were ogling at Samira and making comments about her body structure and curves, so I glared at them meanwhile I got a call from my P.A.

"Maira I will be back in a few minutes if an order arrives when you start eating." I said.

"No, Akshat I will wait for you, complete your call then we can eat together." She said firmly and I just nodded my head and went to the side and picked up the call and talked for 10 minutes and came back and what I saw made me mad because of those boys as they were circling around Maira and trying to touch her which is making her uncomfortable.

"Listen here, don't try to touch me and if something happens to you then don't blame me." She said warning them even though she is scared inside.

"Oho beautiful, come on we are far more handsome and sexy than the person with whom you came." One of them said touching her on the cheek.

"Yes, and if you spend one night with us then we will give you more money than him." Other one said touching her arm and I saw enough and I blind with rage.

I caught his hand and punched him on the face and another one in the stomach. Third one tried punching me in the stomach by coming from the backside but I kicked him to the centre where the sun doesn't shine and he howled in pain and meanwhile, I started beating other two to a pulp because I was only seeing their behaviour with her.

"Akshat stop, what are you doing? You will kill them." Samira shouted at me but still, I was beating them.

"Akshat it's my promise please stop it." She said and I stopped immediately because I sensed fear and anxiety in her voice meanwhile, police came there and took them into custody.

"Samira it's fine, I'm here don't fear but what were you thinking while  confronting them, you could have shouted my name, if something has happened to you then did you think about your family, friends and me." I blasted at her in anger and I can see thin later of tears in her eyes and made me realize that I was unnecessary I showed my anger on her, so I just took a deep breath to compose myself to calm myself before talking to her.

"I'm sorry I thought I could handle it but I didn't know that they will resort physical touching's." She replied in a meek voice and I just cursed myself because she was scared of me due to my anger.

"Samira, next time take care of yourself because you're important to all of us but you are becoming more to me as time is passing and progressing in a relationship from level to level," I said and she looked at me surprised like she is nothing important to anyone other than family and I cursed Aarav in my mind because of him only today she is like this.

"Okay, I promise from next time I will take care." She said with a small smile.

"That's what I ask from you," I said hugging her and she hugged me back for the first time without any hesitation.

"Now we need to leave and I will ask for dhabha people to pack our food," I said and she nodded her head and went near the car to take the driver seat for driving.

I know Samira this minute we came one more step close to each other in understanding and also you allowed me one more step close to your heart and I allowed you to come closer to me and my heart and I know in no time we will be close, and everyone will be jealous of me because you're something that no one wants to lose and I'm happy that I got you in my life.

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