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Aarav's P.O.V:

Samiara Ahuliwalia, a girl even in small age knows how to make people smile, I was loner from childhood because I didn't know how to mingle with other children other than my sister and cousin because I was shy, she entered my life a ball of sunshine and along with her she brought a lot of relations in my life for which I should be grateful but I being a spoil and arrogant brat I chose the people who entered my life later only because of my status and money, I started ignoring Samiara for Arjun, Riya and Anuhya, due to my stupid crush and a obsession of winning the girl I crushed for, made me blinded in friendship which was a farce from starting and a girl who never loved me and played with my heart on saying of Arjun and Riya, made me break Samiara's heart and by the time I realized it was too late because she left me and went to NY and after her absence in my life made realize her importance and the feelings I had for.

I still remember how I came to know the true faces of those people I trusted with my life and how they used me and betrayed me for their own purposes. That was before three months of arrival of Samiara from NY, I came to know from Sara (sister of Aarav) that Samiara is coming to India permanently wrapping up everything there, I was thrilled, wanted to apologize to her and at the same time I was feeling guilty too for what we did to her and I went to Arjun's house to share this news but what I didn't know is that my heart was going to break and was going to face betrayal from them.


I was walked towards Arjun's room as his mother was not at home, when I neared the door I was surprised to find Anuhya as well as Riya there but what I heard made the ground beneath my feet slip.

"Arjun, really I can't bear Aarav, anymore yaar, on your saying I'm doing the drama of loving when in reality I just hate his presence near me let alone in my life," Anuhya whined while Riya was smirking and Arjun laughed.

"Anu, you were bearing his presence from last four to five years then what about us, we bearing him that stupid Sam, what will be our state," Arjun said and I can identify disgust in his tone.

"But why did you ask me to do all this, I mean separating them both then me making him believe that I love him but to accept his love he should win the bet of breaking that bitch's heart and then he should propose me in front of everyone breaking her more internally?" Anuhya asked confused and I felt my blood boil when she called Samiara bitch but I controlled it.

"Well, fooling Aarav was my goal from childhood because his father killed my father and of course his father made the world believe that it was an accident but I and Mom knows the truth that is the reason we shifted to this city and later Riya's jealousy also helped us and Riya has her own reasons to help us in all this but I never asked about that because trust and understanding in the matter destroying them both was present between us from start," Arjun said and I was shocked that he is Amar Uncle's son because I know his father as he was dad's business partner but he robbed money from the company and when he was caught he threatened to kill our family and when he was running away from police, he was killed accidentally falling under a truck and Dad told me about all this when I completed high school prior to four years but what I don't understand is Why did Riya wanted to destroy Samiara and unasked question was answered.

"I think you people have right to know why I wanted to destroy her, we are paternal sisters, my father and her father are brothers, her dad married her mom going against Grandpa's wish and left family and city forever not even for once he looked back, after the death my grandparents, well they were dead when I and Sam were one year, dad approached his brother asking for help and he agreed to but Dad told to leave Sam and his mother if he wants to return back to family for which he disagreed and later dad was buried in deep neck in debts and was dead due to severe heart attack and no one came to help us and when I in Sixth standard Mum explained all this to me and that day itself I vowed to myself that  I will destroy them and Samiara was heart of that family and I wanted to break it," Riya explained and I was shocked was an understatement and I got a doubt that whether Samiara and her family know about Riya's relation with them and I didn't stand there anymore knowing that I will face nothing but more heart break and pain of betrayal.

When I saw Sam after all those years I was stunned and frozen in my spot seeing her beauty but her aura was no more of innocence but it was oozing of self-confidence, arrogant and power which increased her beauty more and when we confronted her in the party and she gave reply that she nothing more to do anything with us, it was clear to me that I lost the girl I loved but more than that a wonderful best friend and from that day I kept my distance from her and saw the growing relationship between her and Akshat which made me jealous but I kept mum but never interfered because I know I lost the right the minute I broke her heart.

As time passed I recognize that the feelings I have for her are fading away, but I can see she started to love Akshat but she was unable to name it because I can see her restlessness when he went to NY for four days and when she returned I can see the love and longing in her eyes for him while he was busy looking at her like she is his world and when she said that there is an emergency board meeting I was surprised but I have a hunch about what this meeting is.

As she entered inside the meeting room I can see the seriousness and thirst for something, when she said she was going to merge three more companies with her company I know one of them is mine because due everything happened and was happening I ignored company and destroyed it completely and broke dad's trust and I think other two companies are of Arjun and Riya, as I guessed it was true but what shocked me was they were drug dealer and Arjun was the murderer of someone innocent, when police took them away I know it was time for me to get something from her after what I did with her and as I expected she gave me hard slap which made my lower lip bust, spilling the blood while I fell on the floor hard.

"You know Aarav I always felt you as my friend and you were first only best friend, when you used to feel possessive of me I used to feel happy, as time passed I developed a serious crush on you which later turned into love but when Anuhya entered our lives I was shattered because you started spending time with her while avoiding me and at that time Amar and Alisha were the ones who became my pillar of strength not leaving my hand during hart times, always supporting, when you started to spend time with me after the fight sorry fake fight with your ex-girlfriend I was very happy thinking I got my Aarav back but I was living in delusional world not knowing that I was just a bet that you wanted to win and it was revenge for Arjun and Riya who were burning in jealousy due to my talents and status, you when you said I Love You and wanted me to be your girlfriend I don't know why I said I wanted time Aarav but I'm happy I asked time for that because when you were talking with Arjun and Riya in your room I came there to confess my stupid feelings and to accept to be your girlfriend, but last thread to your betrayal was when you proposed to Anuhya in college canteen," Samiara shouted while others were stunned at her and were gaping at her confrontation.

Hello. readers I hope I didn't disappoint you people in giving Aarav's P.O.V, on your demand I drafted this chapter for two days to clear out all the points in Aarav's opinion.

Please tell me your opinion through comments and votes.

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