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Morning rays entered inside slowly through the gaps of curtains and fell on the face of Akshat who was sleeping peacefully after many days as now the guilt and the pain of leaving the sinner of his first love always killed him from inside not allowing him to heal completely internally, even though the pain and guilt slowly decreased as Samiara made his way into his life and heart. As rays fell on his face, he got irritated but slowly opened his eyes and he felt free. He got ready and went down to see Samiara coming out of her room just then wearing Rayon Crepe Bees Print Slit Kurti paired with torn jeans, leaving her hair free, highlighting her lips with blush pink colour gloss  feeling like he wanted to ravish those lips always and he was surprised and stunned with her beauty again, he always feels like he is seeing her for the first time and new and foreign feelings arises in him.

"Good morning Akshat," Samiara wished him not knowing how passionately he wanted to kiss, not getting response she looked up and her cheeks heated up seeing the passion and hunger in his gaze, she started to move back automatically and he started to walk forward slowly and she hit the back of the wall and he was mere inches from her and his hot breath was fanning on her lips making her heartbeat accelerate with adrenaline and unable to see into his eyes anymore she started to look down onto floor and he placed his fingers under chin and made her look up.

"What happened Samiara?" He asked in husky voice making her shiver with his proximity.

"No.. Nothing, I think we should leave,"  Samiara said and Akshat just continued to look at her.

"No so soon Samiara, tell me what are you feeling?" Akshat said inching towards her lips slowly and she kept mum.

"Stop me Samiara, before I lose control," Akshat warned her and Samiara stood still while he was just mere inches from her lips and she bit her bottom lip just to control herself and with this action and he pressed his lips onto her and sucked her bottom lip to gain entrance and they kissed each other for 15 mins and he broke the kiss reluctantly to breather air and due to shyness Samiara hugged him for which he chuckled. 

"Thank you, My Love, the kiss was amazing," Akshat said with a smirk.

"Shut up Akshat," She said punching him in the arm for which he just laughed.

"Okay, come today we will have breakfast at your favourite place," Akshat said and entwined their hands to walk out.

"Thank you," Samiara said kissing on his cheek with excitement and he just smiled.

They drove towards the cafe enjoying the silence and comfortness in the car, they entered the cafe had their breakfast and went to shopping because they are leaving tonight to India and wanted to buy gifts to their family members. When Samiara screamed making Akshat apply sudden breaks to the car.

"What happened Samiara? Are you alright?" Akshat asked checking her face for signs of distress.

"It is nothing I just wanted to have Ice-cream from there," She said pointing towards the ice-cream parlour at the opposite side of the road smiling sheepishly.

"For that, you screamed," Akshat asked her glaring.

"Sorry, but I really I wanted to have ice-cream," She said pouting instantly and he pecked her pout shocking her.

"Okay stay here, I will go and bring for you," Akshat said opening the door.

"No, you stay here, I will go and bring for both of us," Samiara said.

Akshat's P.O.V:

"No, you stay here, I will go and bring for both of us," Samiara said and I was going to say something when my phone rang and the call was from my P.A

"Hello, Amir," I said indicating Samiara to go to buy ice-cream and continued to talk and after 15 mins I turned to the side to see Samiara crossing road and I gave her a smile while she waved her hand.

I continued to talk when I heard her scream and when I turned my face I was frozen in my place because she was laying on the road in her own pool of blood, I came out of my trance when I was knocked by someone in my place while that person rushed towards Samiara.

"Samiara," I shouted running towards her, I fell on my knees and kept her head on my lap and slapped her cheeks lightly to wake her up.

"Samiara, Samiara wake up, come on wake up damn it," I shouted at her and she coughed blood which scared me, she slowly opened her eyes and immediately whimpered.

"Aksh... Akshat ta...take o..of yourself and..and don.. don't inform anyone at home," Samiara said placing her hand on his cheek.

"Nothing will happen to you, I promise I will not let happen anything to you," I said taking her into my arms and just then the ambulance arrived and we reached the hospital and immediately she was taken to OT.

"Once Samiara was taken inside OT, I couldn't sit idle at a place and I started pacing but I don't know why I'm feeling scared to loose not that I didn't have past girlfriends, even when I lost Aarti I felt pain for losing her but I didn't feel that if I lose her I will lose my sanity too. When first time I saw Samiara admiring the painting in Arts exhibition, I was lost at her beauty, the innocence in her eyes, determination to win something and the hidden pain in her eyes, when she fought with me because I dragged her out of exhibition, the frown that appeared on her face made me think that she is looking cute, when for first time met her business woman I was impressed with business skills, determination, power of ruling a company, but for first time when I met her as a sister to my brother-in-law, I was surprised because I know he was only son to his parents and when he explained how they became siblings I was so surprised and amazed at her forming bonds with strangers, when she accepted to be my friend, I was happy and even reason was unknown to me, as time passed I was infatuated to her, when she trusted me and shared her past all I could think was the ways to torture those three backstabbers and how to kill, I was thirsty for their blood and this thought surprised me, and when she asked me about the pain and loneliness that is present in my eyes I was surprised because not even my sister and mother or my family couldn't identify that and she was the first person to see that and with that she gained my trust but somewhere I was hesitant to share my past but when I looked in her eyes I saw concern in them for me and I know I was doing correct by sharing my past with her and I was correct, time passed slowly and when I came to NY for a week I felt lonely and an emptiness in my heart that I couldn't understand it then and when I saw her standing her in front of me after four days, I was so surprised and stunned but I was happy and felt relieved but I couldn't understand the reason for it, and now seeing her bathed in her own blood terrified me breaking my heart into tiny pieces, now when I analysed my feelings I realize that I fell for her hard too fast and too hard, YES I LOVE HER, I LOVE SAMIARA," Once I realized my feelings I jerked opened my eyes only too see doctor coming out of OT and I rushed towards him.

"Doctor, how is Samiara? Is she is alright?"Can I see her?" I asked with hope.

"Relax Mr Singhania, Ms Samiara is fine, her right hand got minor fracture, while forehead got three stitches,and her left leg got airline fracture at her ankle which will take a week to get cured while her handed needed to be in sling for next three weeks, but you can take her home by tomorrow evening, now you can go and meet her," Doctor said and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you Doctor," I said and slowly entered inside to see her, her face was pale, her forehead was covered in bandage, which made my eyes pool with unshed tears but if this time something happened to her then I couldn't live my life and I could have lost my sanity because she became my Heartbeat, the way heartbeat is essential for being alive same way she is essential for me to be alive, I slowly placed a kiss on her forehead.

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