He's jealous

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You and Colby had an unbreakable bond , to him 5 years of friendship meant a lot more. There's nothing in the world he wouldn't share with you and vice versa.

Colby had the acknowledgement of all your previous relationships , each of them ending in a horrible manner leading you to the person who you are today. You see , breakups work differently for others but for you , it changed you completely.

You had sworn that you wouldn't get into another relationship, that you'd give it your time. Partly because you were broken and partly because...you've had the biggest crush on Colby for a while. Colby was everything you could ever ask for , as a friend and even as a lover , but sadly you never made it too obvious.

Colby has been talking about a particular place he'd like to go exploring with Sam and you. You loved exploring with them and therefore agreed upon it. To be on the safer side , the boys found a place which isn't illegal to be in and also with minimum security involved. So did it happen , the boys along with Jake , Corey and you went out exploring a nearby hotel which is said to be haunted. This hotel has been shut down for many years now which lead it to being exposed to satanic cults and sacrifices. Weirdly , it was a tourist attraction spot , involving many people to come visit it.

Y/n's POV

To be honest , I was terrified. Colby knew how I always had a strong hatred towards haunted places , but since I didn't want to let him down I decided to tag along with the boys.

"We should get going now before it's too late. It might get dark too soon and we definitely don't want that to happen." Colby said , the boys nodding their head in agreement. Colby's eyes roamed the whole room and landed upon me , he needed my agreement too. I slightly nodded too but looked away quickly.

His eyebrows scrunched up in confusion as he continued to stare at me while Corey spoke. "I was thinking we'd go tomorrow , since you know , it's already a little too late." Corey said as he pointed towards the windows , the sky being painted with a beautiful sunset. "Danggit" Sam said while we all chuckled. "So it's decided upon ? Tomorrow morning at 9 , how does that sound to you guys ?" Colby asked , still looking at my direction.

This time though , I took all the courage I had left in me and met my eyes with his. I shook my head with a nervous smile , which Colby took notice of quickly. He sighed while we all went upstairs into our own bedrooms. Since we had to leave early tomorrow Colby thought it would be a good idea if I slept in.

We walked through the corridors while Sam spoke to Colby. We said our good nights and separated paths. I got into Colby's room and walked over to his closet , taking one of his hoodies while stripping down to my bra and underwear and carefully slipping the hoodie over my head. "Hey there hoodie hogger" Colby said while he crossed his arms and eyed me up and down. I felt my knees go weak. "Hey Cole." I said , already feeling tired and just wanting to go to bed. "What's wrong ? You seemed nervous downstairs. Everything okay ?" He asked taking a step closer to me. My eyes darted down to the floor as I nodded softly.

"Oh come on y/n , we both know there's something wrong. So tell me , what's up ?" He asked again. "It's just that...you know how terrified I am to visit such places." I pouted. "Aww , come here." Colby said , his arms opening as I slipped my way into them. I felt warm and whole , like nothing could ever harm me. "It'll be alright , I promise. I'll be by your side." He said , looking into my eyes. I blushed hard and looked away , he lifted my chin back up and force me to look into his eyes.

The perfect shade of blue , faded in with his blue tips and brunette hair. His hair looked beautiful , even though they were messy. My eyes trailed down to his lips , I could've sworn I felt as he leaned in for a kiss but soon pulled back as Jake knocked on the door.

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