Apologies. ⚠️

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Requested by hi_sisters123

"What the hell-" Elton screeched , his voice had pure horror in it while his eyes gleamed with pure joy.

"What do you think you're doing ?" He asked once again before making a face.

The kitchen countertop of the RV was drenched with tomato sauce along with a few strings of cheese , making it smell awful in there.

The whole crew seemed to do something for Elton's birthday and thus , resided on making pizza for his 'ultimate birthday bash'.

"Oh come on Uncle Elty , it doesn't look that bad." Colby spoke , his hands currently held the black spatula , ready to cut into the controversial cuisine. "We'll take a bite if you do !" He yelled in excitement while the sound of booing and denial sparked through the RV.

"Shake on it ?" Elton asked , his arm extended outwards as he forced Colby to agree to his dumb idea.

"You guys might fall sick." You said , sounding like the only smart one in the group. The guys rolled their eyes at your comment before digging into the nourishment.

Andrea joined you on one of the couches , "I'm so not tasting that." She said , giggling at the end while seeing the guys try it out. "Neither am I." You said while folding your hands across your chest.

You watched Corey , Elton , Sam and Colby dive in for a piece. The look of pure judgement sprawled across your face as you heard them say , "it's not that bad" and "it's honestly pretty good."

Loud thumps caught your attention as you witnessed Colby run towards you , the black spatula still in his hand along with a huge piece of the utter mess. "Babeee , try some." He insisted whilst shoving the spatula towards your lips.

"Colby no ! That's disgusting." You said , dodging it smoothly as you heard the rest of the people laugh about it. You heart immediately shattered once Colby's lips were formed into a pout , his feet moved forward as he prepared to leave the situation sadly.

"Come on , just try it y/n. It's pretty good." Elton concluded while the rest of the others chimed in , motivating your boyfriend and his beautiful mess.

You sighed and gave in , motioning for a sad Colby to come along the way. His eyes twinkled as he sprinted towards you , sticking out the spatula as you pinched in a piece and placed it into your mouth.

The mingled taste of the chocolate chips and marshmallows along with a ton of tomato sauce , icing and the rancid smell of the sardines nearly made you gag , although you tried your hardest to take in a bite for your boyfriend which only caused your stomach to fall sick.

You quickly jolted upwards and headed towards the bathroom , puking their tried attempt of a pizza as you felt yourself fall even more nauseous.

"Oh my gosh babe ! Are you alright ?" Colby asked , his larger hands rubbed down your back while the other held onto your forehead. "I'm so sorry baby girl." He muttered , feeling extremely guilty for causing this mess. 

"Ugh Colby ! What the hell." You yelled back , your mood completely switched over as you angrily stomped back to your bunk before wrapping your cold body with the comfy blanket and heading back to sleep.

Colby Brock Imagines ~ requests are closed. Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora