Dominator. ⚠️

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Your body was jerked forward while your wrists were bound behind your back , the leather strings tightening as you struggled to get out of them.
The wet , damp cloth that wrapped around your lips made it hard for you to utter a single word , a single plea.
Handcuffs and whips of different sorts hung below a thin metal bar while the dildos and vibrators were kept just below them , perfectly displayed under the dimly lit room.
The artefacts seemed to sending shivers of terror down your spine but were soon replaced by the thoughts of how your master pleasured you.
Soft whimpers escaped through the sheer material above your lips as you cried for his touch , for any kind to be exact even if it meant to pleasure yourself.
Your body fought against the resistance once again , thighs rubbing together as you created a force of friction between them , sighing out aloud in relief.
"Tsk tsk tsk , I surely don't suppose you're allowed to do that."
The sound of his shoes vibrated against the wooden floor as he approached closer towards you , his stance upright while he looked down at you.
Your natural instinct was to turn around and beg for the pleasure you seeked but instead , his demands caught you off guard.
"Stay ! Do not move." He barked , his teeth churned against one another as he looked upon your angrily. His movements were once again audible as you watched him move towards the inventory , his finger tips brushed up the whips on display , finally picking the thinnest of them all.
"You know you're going to have to suffer consequences."
Your eyes immediately feel to the floor once he stood forth you , it was a sign of discipline as he liked it.
"You're a fast learner." He chuckled deeply , his fingers tugged on the fabric , pulling it down to your jaw , leaving your mouth exposed.
"One word and you're in for it. Understood ?"
You quickly nodded your head whilst looking down , the thumps of your heartbeat now audible through your own ears.
"Answer me kitten." He bought his finger up to your lips , grazing over it while patiently waiting for your reply.
A shriek ceased its way out of your lips , your skin burnt with the contact of the whip , your skin immediately reddening.
"Yes what ?" He growled , his jaw clenched tight enough to show off his beautiful cheekbones. His eyes turned dark with lust as his pupils dilated to the fullest.
"Y-Yes master."
"That's like my girl."
The thin material was placed upon your lips once again , drowning out the whimpers and helps that tried its hardest to escape whenever the thin whip came in contact with your body.
"Nice and red , just for me."
You could feel the way he smirked while looking down at you , his eyes scanning every curve of your body before bending forward to massage the pain away.
"I don't like treating you this way princess , but you've left me with no choice." The master bought himself back up , leading his pathway towards the artefacts that were placed on the table this time , his hands picked out the best-in this case-the worst for you.
"You're going to take your punishment like the good girl you are."
He stood behind you , lowering himself down while hovering over your frame. His hand moved forward to your tummy while making its way down to your clit , followed by your labia. "So wet , just how I like it."
Your eyes rolled back as the master immediately began rubbing you , spreading out the wetness to your sensitive spots as you squirmed under his touch , silently begging for more than just his fingers.
He abruptly stepped back , eyeing you down closely while placing the vibrating dildo millimetres away from you.
The buzzing noise commenced as you dared to shift your head in search for the master who stood at the centre of the room , his azure eyes staring you down while your eyes squinted before him as a sign of silent begs.
He took in your cue and gave in easily , he claims your eyes are filled with allure that brings him closer to his death-you.
"Those eyes again." He sighed , bending forward to stick the vibrating dildo into you , making your eyes roll back with the soft vibrations that provided ecstasy to your body.
The master let out a loud snicker , bringing you back into reality while biting his lip viciously , "do you really think I'm going to let you go that easily ?"
You squinted at the wicked man before you , his intentions completely evil. A loud , hard vibration caught you off guard as the master turned the dial all the way , rapid movements of the rough vibrations submerged through your body as you let out a loud yelp.
"Not a single sound princess , take this as a warning." He spoke , his accent thick and pure , definitely showing so signs of sarcasm.
You couldn't help yourself , your ears began buzzing aloud , causing you to let out another whimper.
"20 minutes more it is." He said , increasing the punishment period.
You were too caught up the loud buzzes of the vibrations that filled your ear , deafening you from the real world. A shriek left your lips as you felt your initial orgasm approaching.
"30 minutes extra babe. I surely don't suppose you'd want to increase it ?" He chuckled deeply. His shoes creaked over the wood once again , his footsteps leading to the opposite side of the forbidden room , leaving you all to yourself.
The pleasure of orgasming numerous times within the time frame soon turned into pain , your pussy throbbed at its sensitivity as your eyes began pouring down , the feeling being too overwhelming for your body.
The smudged mascara and perfectly ruined lipstick were one of the factors showing you the outcomes of going against your master.
At the end of the last second , a great bell was audible , signifying the conclusion of your punishment.
The master walked in calmly and stooped below right next to you , his eyes now shimmered with concern as he examined your fatigue state before quickly turning off the vibrator.
Your body trembled before him while still in its process of settling down from innumerable orgasms you encountered.
The master picked you up and threw you over his shoulder while following his way through the master bedroom. He swiftly propped you down while taking off the equipment from your limp body , his hands untied the cloth that wrapped around your mouth , the fresh cold breeze smashed against your lips , instantly drying your skin.
"I'm sorry master , I didn't mean to.." you trailed off , your mind fogged up over the explanation you were about to provide.
"Shush , it's okay. I understand." He said calmly , his tone completely authentic.
"But master.."
"Colby , it's not master for you anymore princess." He said , his fingers brushing against your lips before diving in for a steamy kiss.

Colby Brock Imagines ~ requests are closed. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz