He's far away.

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You laid down on your's and Colby's shared bed , craving for his touch. You snuggled into the pillow as tears escaped your eyes , drowning you in the moment. Time differences were hard as Colby had travelled to Australia leaving you behind in LA.

While you were waking up , Colby would be drifting off to sleep. It was hard since it has been weeks since you've spoken to him and you couldn't rely on texting anymore , you needed to hear his voice again. So was it done , you stayed up late tonight , awaiting for a phone call from him. To pass your time by , you got on YouTube and had a spree of his videos , smiling every now and then at your virtual boyfriend.

Just then you heared your phone buzz and 'Loverboy' pop up on the screen. You hurriedly answered the phone , having been done with the wait. "Hey babyyyyy." Colby squealed from the other end , you've missed his voice way too much. "Hey Colbs. Ugh I've missed your voice." You said , shedding a few tears as your voice cracked. "Babe..don't cry , I'm right here." Colby said worriedly , he hated seeing you cry and would do anything to cheer you up.

You sniffed while gathering yourself together , "I'm sorry , I didn't mean to make you worried. It's just that..I miss you Colbear." You heard him sigh on the opposite end , "Can I do anything to make you feel better baby girl ?" You paused for a minute and said , "can I just..i can wear your sweatshirt please ? It smells like you." He chuckled at your adorableness. "Whatever's mine is yours baby. You need not ask the next time." Colby said as you could hear him smiling.

You quickly made your way to his closet and grabbed his merch before crawling back into bed and switching the call to a FaceTime. "Gosh you're so beautiful." Colby's eyes felt as though they were piercing through the screen. You blushed at his remark , cuddling closer towards the pillow stuffed in between your arms and legs. "I can't wait for you to come home loverboy." You snuggled more into the pillow , imagining it was Colby instead.

"I know baby girl. Just a few more days , then I'm all yours." He smiled slyly. "I have to go now babe , I'll try calling you later. I love you beautiful." He said blowing kisses to you , you pouted before coming closer towards the screen , Colby doing the same.

You kissed the screen as Colby did so too. "I love you Colbs. Come home soon babe." You said before the line disconnected , warmth spread across your heart , even though the conversation lasted for a few minutes. You couldn't wait for him to get back home and kiss him. You were caught up in your thoughts before falling asleep to the scent of Colby's cologne.

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