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My hips swayed to the soft music playing through the speakers , distant off in my own fairy land. I turned my head towards the clock , 1:30 pm it read.
It was hard having Colby as a roommate , he'd be partying all night along , only for him to return back home at the break of day.
His mornings would always be spent this way , locked up in his room with the blinds closed , not a single ray of sunlight peeking into his room. It was truly hard to define him.
A loud groan threw me off , alarming me as I walked towards it , shortly finding myself behind the locked doors of Colby's room.
"Colby ? Are you okay ?" I questioned him , banging my fist against the door. The groan only grew louder , signalling he was in pain.
"Colby !" I yelled out , gaining his attention as soft thumps emerged from the ground , making its way to the door.
The brown door swung open , sending chills down my spine as I discovered his room was pitch black. His groaning still eminent through the thick dark silence.
"Colby , what's wrong ?" I asked him , scurrying my way towards his side while I helped him take a seat down on his bed.
"Where's the light switch.." I mumbled under my breath , blindly walking in search of it.
"No !" He yelled out , frightening me as i jolted with fear. "Do not switch on the light." His voice being rich and deep as ever , heightening up my senses.
"Why not..?" I whispered , my fingers being moments away from the switch. His grunting commenced back again , forcing me to get back to his side.
"Colby , what happened ?" The tears being on its verge of falling. Colby was now gasping for air , his face turning pale that could be perceived within the darkness.
I left his side once again , running towards the switch as I flicked it on , hearing a loud yell from Colby.
My mouth shot up as I gazed at him. His eyes burnt with a vermilion shade , the jet-black veins under his eyes discernible along with two prominent fangs accompanying his pale face.
I backed away from him , slowly sinking down onto the floor as my legs gave up. He stayed still on the bed , his eyes shining bright under the lights.
"I warned you." He growled deeply , sending shivers down my spine before choking under thin air.
"C-Colby what..?" I was unable to form words as I felt my whole world spin around on its axis. He clenched his throat firmly , motioning for me to come closer to him.
Under the gruesome monster hid the boy I loved the most , dreading to see him suffer this way.
"I haven't fed in days y/n." He gaged , his body loosing control as he plopped down onto the bed. "I'm hungry.." he whispered , his eyes shutting softly from fatigue.
I could possibly do anything to save him , even if it was to sacrifice my own blood.
"Colbs , you can have mine." I offered , lifting his lethargic body. His eyes shot open , denying the offer by shaking his head. "I wouldn't want to cause any harm towards you y/n." He grunted back in pain.
My eyes streamed down tears , insisting on him to take up my offer. Without second guessing I blurted out the words I dreamt of saying , "I love you Colby. That's the least of my worries right now."
His scarlet red eyes switched colour , turning into his ocean blue eyes for a pure second. "Please Colby. Just let me help." I begged him.
He nodded , obliging while straightening himself up. His ocean blue eyes were now replaced by the horrifying ruby colour , his canines growing out rapidly.
Colby observed my face once again as I nodded my head slightly while turning around so my back could face him. My neck poked out , leaning towards the left as I exposed it even further , providing him with a good amount of skin.
He pulled my hair back swiftly , glancing at my neck hungrily. "I won't hurt you. I promise." He said before digging his fans into my soft skin , earning a loud hiss from me.
He went gentle , sucking the required amount of blood needed to give him his nutrients temporarily while impaling me.
A soft moan ceased its way out once he pulled back , cherishing the sweet blood he savoured.
His face lit up with colour once again , tanning his entire body while his azure eyes shot open , a small smile dancing across his lips.
I returned back a warm smile before scrunching my eyebrows in confusion. "Does this mean I'll get turned into one too?" I pouted at him as he let out a deep chuckle while running his hands on the wound.
"I'm a morbid." He said. "Half human , half vampire so it won't affect you as much." His hand trailed across my neck gently , taking it away only to reveal the impaled wound healed up.
I gasped in surprise , being astonished by his powers as I gazed at the perfectly rebuilt skin through the mirrors.
Colby pulled my attention back to him once again as he cleared his throat , "so you love me huh ?" He smirked cheekily while wiggling his eyebrows , making me giggle.
"I.. I mean.." I started off , reddening a lot. If only he loved me back I thought.
He bit his lips while eyeing me up and down before shooting close to me within an instant , amazing me with his vampire skills. "Trust me , I do." His eyes pierced into my wide eyes. He could read minds as well ?
He laughed out loud , "surely I can." He replied back. My heart rate picked up , beating at a million miles per second.
"I love you." Colby said , catching me off guard. I bit my lip and stared back at him , hoping he'd kiss me any minute now.
"It would be my pleasure." He said , closing in the gap between us as I smiled through the kiss.

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