Rivalries ? // 2

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I woke up to the biggest day of my life , I was finally getting married. The maids did their jobs with perfection as they washed off my body as well as dressed me , all in white to be specific for the occasion

Katrina lead the way towards the alter , set above a flight of stairs as it displayed the event perfectly.

The King's mouth fell open as he saw me enter in through the doors , quickly regain his straightened posture as he waited for me to join him.

A personal priest of ours was called upon to perform the ceremony and within minutes we were asked to say our vows along with the final I do.

"Congratulations , I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The priest said , motioning for the King to kiss his newly wedded wife.

The King leaned in as he tried closing the void between us , being inches away from my face as he begged for a kiss.

My natural instinct was to push him away before quickly descending from the stairs , running for my dear life , the roaring crowd subdued as I entered into one of the bedrooms. I was finally married.


It was safe enough to say , our little marriage alliance brought victory into our kingdoms as he managed to overthrow the Eastern Empire , claiming its resources all ours.

I was currently strolling through the gardens of the palace , taking a casual stroll until the sound of metals clashing against one another caught my attention.

My steps lead me into the training grounds as I observed the troops having a little interactive session with the King.

He was currently performing the art of Kendo but only accompanied by swords , showcasing his skills beautifully.

The King's back was facing against me as he quickly ordered one of the men to bear forth water as his hands arose above his head , immediately drenching his hair as he refreshed himself.

"Who's next ?" He asked , his fingers ruffling his brown tips.

"I am." I said , taking over one of the swords as I watched the entire crowd snapping their heads towards me.

The King finally turned around , his brows knitted together while a smug smile danced upon his lips.

"Are you sure My Queen ?" He mocked , using the slang 'my queen'.

"Absolutely sure , My King." I replied back cockily whilst watching him take in his stance. His palms motioning me to come forward.
"But Your Highness , I'm doing this for a price." I spoke , my chest puffed up with pride as the King looked at me with worry.

His eyes quickly softened , "whatever My Queen shall want will be received."

My body bent down in its posture , taking in perfect form as we began our battle. The king's sword plunged forward as I managed to dodge it beautifully while scoffing at him , he quickly spun us around until my back was pressed against his chest , "Do you accept your defeat My Queen ?" His breath hit the crook of my neck , sending tingles down my spine.

"Never." My elbow nudged his side as I pushed him away , taking in my stance as we commended our little feud.

After a couple minutes later I decided to finally reveal my skill , my leg stuck out as I caught him off-guard , hitting his shin in the process.
I smiled at the loud thump accompanied by the King falling down to the muddy ground. His eyes looked up at me with pure amusement. The crowd cheered at my victory , supporting their queen in all forms.

I walked over towards him and pointed the tip of my sword against his throat , "I win." I smiled at my victory as he immediately pulled himself up , "And what is it that My Queen desires ?" He asked.

I smiled wickedly at him , "I wish to join you beside your throne."

The crowd's cheering died down as they looked at each other with concern , awfully terrified as to what the King would agree upon.

The King's eyes lightened up with concern , finding it difficult to finally be sharing the kingdom as one before quickly softening his eyes.

"Whatever My Queen shall want." His eyes burnt with a certain intensity , lighting up my soul too. What would it possibly be ? Certainly not love , or was it ?

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