Blood-sucking ⚠️

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Requested by brocksmylife , awful lot sorry if this took a tad bit longer.
I've just not been feeling the best lately :(

Paytyn's POV

"Colbyyy ?" I called out , my feet wandered around  as I searched for my boyfriend before heading downstairs and stopping dead in my tracks.

A loud set of growls caught me off guard as I made my way over to the study room. The booming thud of something heavily falling upon the coffee table and crashing it made me shuffle my feet quicker. My hand gripped onto the handles before swinging the door open , only to find a horrific view before me.

A new victim was home once again , this time being the plumber. The innocent man had come in the hopes of fixing up our pipes but instead is getting eaten out alive by my boyfriend , Colby Brock. Yes , you've guessed it right , my boyfriend's a vampire.

"Colby !" I yelled out before quickly rushing to the man's aid and pulling him away from my boyfriend.

"What the hell are you doing Pay ?" Colby hissed , his fangs poked down into his lips as he kept his anger contained , but unfortunately not for long enough.

"Just let him go !" I ordered , not getting fooled this time. I couldn't live anymore , knowing my boyfriend would hunt down innocent victims just to get his cravings intensified.

His eyes were ruby-red , his fangs had blood dripping from them as he managed to slightly impale the man's neck , leaving behind two perfectly symmetrical holes.

The innocent man fell down , completely unconscious of his thoughts as his limp body touched the cold floor. My eyes watered up as I looked at Colby with mercy.

"Go upstairs." He commanded , his voice deep as his eyes showed off pure anger before he moved at an inhuman speed , now being inches away from the both of us.

"Stop it Colby !" I yelled back , finally being done with his tactics. "Just let the man go." I demanded as I placed myself before the man.

His eyes flickered back and forth before finally coming to the conclusion of erasing today's memories from the plumber's brain and quickly fleeing off to his room upstairs , closing the door shut with a loud bang.

I patiently waited for the man to awaken , finally biding him a goodbye as I quietly made my way upstairs.

The lights of our bedroom were turned off , giving off an eerie sense. The air was misty before clearing a pathway as I lead my way into the room. "Colby ?" I called out , my fingertips danced over the light switch. He let out a low growl , his voice deep and hoarse.

My fingers pressed down onto the switch , illuminating the room before I was quickly pushed against the wall. Colby's hands were wrapped around my neck , harshly choking me as his mouth was open wide , showing off his sharp fangs.

"Colby stop." I begged while trying to free myself from his grip. My body squirmed under his touch , never been in the position of being his victim ever.

"I told you. You should've gone upstairs." He growled , his mouth watering over the blood-thirst as he eyed down my neck.

"Colby this isn't you. Stop please !" I cried out , my hands wrapped around his as I tried my best to push it away , only for his grip to tightened even harder.

"You're scared , aren't you ?" He smirked at his attempt of reading my mind , my eyes wetting as I was genuinely terrified this time.

His vampire side over-powered his human figure , making him look ten times more terrifying. The veins under his eyes grew darker as he leaned in to attack his prey.

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